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Jungkook runs up to BamBam and quickly lead him into one of the boy's bathroom. Taehyung follows him with a doubtful feeling. He watched as Jungkook throws BamBam onto one of the stalls and close the door. He locks it just in case someone walks in.

For a while, the three of them stand in silence. They stay like that until BamBam starts to chuckle. Taehyung looks at him with a bit of fear in his gaze.

"Is this why you can't date me? Because you're already dating your brother? That's just... Haha that's just wrong. I got beaten by your own brother," he laughs.

"Look BamBam-" Jungkook started to say.

"What?! What do you possibly have to say to me? Look BamBam I know this is hard to take in but you have to know how are feelings is? No I don't! What you two have to understand is that that there is incest and thats gross! Kissing your own blood is just nasty! And if you don't understand that by now then I'll make you understand," he said while taking his phone out.

Jungkook tries to grab it but BamBam kept pulling it away. He saw that BamBam was texting in a group chat with Got7 and Taehyung's friends in it. Out of anger, Jungkook quickly grabbed BamBam's hand, snatched his phone out of his grip, and smashed it on the floor.

"I am not going to allow you to do that. I rather let you punch me than let you text them about this. I swear to-"

Taehyung slowly wraps his arms around Jungkook's waist and pull him back. "Calm down. It's scary seeing you like this. Just take some deep breaths while I talk to him."

Jungkook nods and go to the corner of the bathroom. Taehyung picks BamBam's phone up and let a tiny giggle out when he see little glass shards on the ground. He throws the broken phone in the trash and gave BamBam.

"I'll buy you a new one. But BamBam aren't we friends? Aren't you and Jungkook friends? Would you really do this just because you want Jungkook to yourself? I mean, yes we know that this is very wrong but we love each other and we'll do anything to keep our love. I'm sorry that you can't have my Jungkookie but you have to get over it okay."

"I'm not getting over this. This is wrong. I'm telling everyone about this. I'll make sure that you two know how wrong this is," BamBam grunts.

Taehyung can hear Jungkook breathing harder in the corner. He sighs and sit down. He drags BamBam down to make him sit next to him.

"I didn't want to do this but I have to bring it out. Now I have your dad's phone number only because he's close to my dad. It would be a shame if I just pulled it out and I don't know say a few quick words to him."

BamBam glared at Taehyung. "Like what?"

"Oh hello BamBam's dad it's Kim Taehyung. I'm calling you because I've notice his grades recently and seen that he's failing every class. Now, being the mature one I wanted to call you about this before the principle gets on him. He's a good boy and all but-" Taehyung said in a cute, innocent voice.

BamBam covers his mouth. "Okay okay I get it. I won't say a word just please don't call my dad and tell him about my grades. Of he knows then he'll make me go back down to Freshman level and I don't want to do that."

Taehyung smiles and stand back up. "Glad to hear that. You may go. But I swear if I hear one word come out of your mouth about this then I'm going to release Jungkook on you and I'm calling your dad. Okay."

He quickly nods and stand back up. Taehyung unlocks the door and open it.

"You may go."

He watches as BamBam runs out and down the hall. He closed the door and huffs. He walks back over to Jungkook who has calm down now.

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