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I'm back. Here's an update for ya.

Jungkook hear knocks on his door, knowing it's Taehyung again, he doesn't answer it. He's been trying to get Jungkook out the bed for the last 20 minutes.

"Come on Jungkook. Its already 12 now you need to get out of bed," Taehyung said.

Jungkook groans and throw a pillow at the door. After hearing those words come out of Taehyung's mouth yesterday, he broke down. His heart started to ache and his head started to pound.

Sehun was such a great boyfriend to Jungkook. They had a nice relationship it looked like they would last for eternity. But once Sehun entered college while Jungkook was in high school, he met Luhan. Meeting Luhan drastically changed the way of how Sehun felt about Jungkook.

"Jungkook don't make me come in there," Taehyng threaten.

All Jungkook did was roll around in his bed. Taehyung walks in after a few seconds of no response. When he see Jungkook, he rolls his eyes and sigh.

He pulls Jungkook out his bed and see he's only wearing underwear. He covers his eyes and look away.

"You only wear underwear when you go to sleep?"

Jungkook shook his head. "No. I just didn't feel like putting clothes on after I took them off."

"Okay well get dressed and ready now. Me and my friends are taking you out to get your mind over the break up," Taehyung said pointing at the door.

"No way. I don't want to do anything today."

"Not wanting to do anything is a sign on depression and I don't want to see you depressed so get dressed."

Jungkook jumps back on the bed with his face hitting a pillow. "No!"

Taehyung smirks. "Well if your not going to dress yourself then..."

He walks over to Jungkook's closet and get a shirt with some jeans. He grabs a fresh pair of underwear and throw it in the bathroom.

"Now... The hard part," he sighs.

He grabs Jungkook and pull him in the bathroom. Jungkook look at Taehyung as he close the door with him inside.

"What are you doing," he mumbles.

Taehyung chuckles and bend down to Jungkook's height which wasn't very far. He grabs the edge of Jungkook's underwear and start pulling them down.

Jungkook widen his eyes and jump back. "W-What are you doing?!"

"You didn't want to get ready yourself so I'll help you," Taehyung said still smirking.

"I-I can dress myself now. You don't need to help me."

"Nonsense. I'll think that you're getting dress but you might come back out still in your underwear and jump back in bed."

Jungkook shakes his head. "I promise I won't do that."

"Well... If you say so yourself..."

When Jungkook thought that Taehyung believes him, Taehyung quickly slides his underwear off. Jungkook shrieked and Taehyung turns on the shower.

Taehyung quickly undressed and hopped in the shower with Jungkook. He washed his whole body and his hair. He didn't care that he saw Jungkook's private part because it's the same as Hoseok's but a little bigger. 😏😏😏

They quickly hop out the shower and dry themselves off. Taehyung put his clothes back on and help Jungkook with his clothes.

After they put their clothes on, they brushed Jungkook's teeth. Then they put on his make up, then his shoes, then his piercings. Finally, they walk out the room with their hair still wet and messed up.

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