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"Okay that's it you're enrolled. Thank you Mr. Jeon Jungkook for choosing Seoul University," the administrator said with a kind smile.

Jungkook smiles back and nod. He walked outside the room and find Taehyung sitting on a bench playing on his phone. He slowly taps his shoulder to grab his attention.

"Umm I'm done," Jungkook said.

Taehyung put his phone away and stretch his hand out. He signals Jungkook to pass him his schedule.

He quickly skims through the paper and make a face. "What the heck! Why do you have all smart teachers?! These classes are for Juniors! I'm a freaking Sophomore!"

Jungkook shrugs. "When the administrator saw my grades and IQ she seemed shocked and started to talk about how I'm a genius and stuff."

Taehyung looks at Jungkook amazed
He crumble Jungkook's schedule in a ball and throw it away.

"I hope you memorized that thing," he mumbled getting up.

Jungkook's face turns red in anger. He fetches the paper in the trash and catch up with Taehyung.

They walk around the campus for a while until the bell rings. Taehyung left Jungkook without saying a word. Jungkook sighs and look around the campus.

"How am I suppose to find where I'm suppose to go without any help," he asked himself.

He was about to go back to the building he first went to when someone jumped on his back. His eyes widen and he held his breath. The person who jumped on his back held onto Jungkook and wrapped his legs around his waist.

"You're new here aren't ya," the person said.

Jungkook tries to look at him but can't seem to turn his head. He tries to knock the kid off but can't. Finally, he gives up and allow the person to be on his back.

"Yeah I'm new here. Can you please get off my back now," he ask nicely.

The person got off his back and bow. "Sorry I was excited. I like new people."

Jungkook nods and forgive the person. He turns around and see the boy he saw from earlier. He stare at the boy shockingly as he didn't know that he would see him again.

"Annyong. My name is BamBam and I go here as a Freshman but I'm put in Juniors classes," the boy said sticking his hand out.

Jungkook nervously shook it. "I-I'm Jungkook. I have Junior classes too but I'm suppose to be a Freshman."

BamBam's face lit up when Jungkook finished his sentence. "Yay I won't be the only Freshior!"


"It's a mixture of Freshmen and Juinors. Like we're suppose to be Freshmen but we have the mind of Juniors."

"Ohh ok. Anyways, I need help finding my classes," Jungkook said handing BamBam his schedule.

BamBam looks at this schedule shocked and a smile starts to slowly form in his face. He points at the schedule and show Jungkook.

"I have all the same classes! This is going to be so much fun! Come on we're late!"

BamBam grabs Jungkook's hand and they run to their first class. All throughout the class, BamBam and Jungkook passed notes trying to get to know each other more. The teacher didn't notice until a girl picked up one of their notes and fan girled aloud.

"Both of you! Detention after school in my room," she yelled.

"Yes Mrs. Kim," they both sighed.

After another boring 50 minutes of class, the bell finally rang and it was time for lunch. Taehyung and Hoseok decided to find Jungkook so he won't be lonely during lunch.

"His classes are down here," Taehyung said pointing into the Junior hallways.

Hoseok stopped and tugged on Taehyung's shirt. "Uhhh... I'm pretty sure that this is the Junior halls and not the Freshmen. Were not aloud on there, we're Sophomores Tae."

"Yeah somehow that dummy got into the Junior classes instead of the Freshmen."

"Oh he must be really smart!"

"So he's smart and a cutie! Wow I'm impressed," Jimin said hopping into their conversation.

"What the- Jimin! Why are you here," Taehyung shouted.

Jimin just smiles in response and look behind him. Behind him are the rest of their group with cheeky smiles.

"Why are you guys following us?"

"We wanted to see the kid too," Suga said.

Taehyung sighed. When he was about to say something else, he heard Jungkook's laugh followed by another kid's voice. He turns and see Jungkook hanging around 7 other students that attend their school.

"Yeah so he basically took his shirt off in front of everyone and poured water down his body. All of the fans were screaming and our manager was freaking out," a boy with orange hair said.

"Wait so Jackson did that," Jungkook asked pointing to a boy with blonde hair.

Everyone nodded and laugh. They stopped laughing when they saw Taehyung and his group. They walk up to them with smiles. They bowed and greeted each other.

"Annyong Taehyung," BamBam's group said.

Taehyung bowed back. "Annyong Got7. What brings you guys here?"

"We were picking BamBam up so we could go out to eat for lunch when we met his new friend. Were still going out to eat if you guys want to join us," Mark said.

Taehyung looked down at Jungkook and smirk. "So your new friend is my Step-Brother. That's great, I don't have to sort about him anymore. I think we're good, we were actually about to pick him up for lunch but if you guys want to bring him with you that's cool."

Youngjae smiles and hook his arm around Jungkook's neck. "Awesome. We'll see you guys later."

"Alright bye."

Got7 leaves and Taehyung scrunch up his face. "Why did he choose to hang out with them?"

"We got to keep an eye out on him if he continues to hang out with them. You know they're bad news," Namjoon said.

Taehyung nods and starts to head towards the cafeteria. Everyone else follows him while looking back at Got7.

They're bad news alright. They destroy property and steal stuff from stores. They think they can get away with it because they're "popular" but they should know that anyone can be thrown in jail no matter how famous they are. If they do anything to you Jungkook, I will kill them. I don't care if they're my friends, I'll make sure they pay, Taehyung thought.

Sorry if this chapter is confusing. :(

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