Chapter 2

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After agreeing to go to the stage of my favorite musical with Lin, I had said a fleeting goodbye to a worried Ethan, and followed Lin Manuel Miranda out of the subway.

Weird to say out loud.

The past ten minutes of walking had been particularly quiet, I was trying to calm my nerves and adjusting the strap of my bag every now and then. I still could not believe that Lin had offered to take me to the stage. For a girl who called herself "Broadway Kid," I had never actually seen a Broadway play, let alone been in one. But it wasn't like Lin was offering her a spot in the show... Surely not. I am just a kid, after all. A simple foster girl of 15, nothing special.

I was pulled out of my reverie to the sound of Lin talking. I shook my head and turned to listen to him while walking.

"So, Ethan is your boyfriend?" Lin was saying, watching the me that he was trying to form a connection with. I, who a few minutes ago, refused to let my guard down. He casually rested his arm on my shoulders, trying to get me out of my shell. He knew that I was not comfortable with him, and maybe never would be, but he would do what he could for me. I had piqued his interest.

Still hesitant, I replied with confusion. "Wh- Oh. Oh no. Ethan is just a friend. A really good friend. My best friend. And manager." My stuttering and the light pinkness of my cheeks gave away more than my words.

"I don't think he knows that you are 'Just Friends'." Lin nudged me, making my light blush grow. He smirked, knowingly, "I knew it." I shot a glare at the laughing Lin, before giving in and dissolving into giggles too.

"It really isn't like that, Sir."

"Mhm, sure. And none of that 'sir' stuff, alright? Just call me Lin. Everyone does."

The two of us talked and grinned all the way to the Richard Rodgers Theatre. I felt quite comfortable with the Broadway star, despite my hesitance.

Once inside of the theater, Lin gestured for me to follow him into the wings. A tall man stood, coming to greet the pair of us. I sucked in my breath, knowing that luscious curly brown hair anywhere. It was Anthony Ramos.

Anthony faltered, looking over me, "Hey Lin, who's the kid?" Anthony offered a small smile, but otherwise ignored the fact that I was standing right beside him.

"I kidnapped her on the subway." Lin shrugged, continuing his inspection of the backstage, but finding that no one else was present, he turned back to see me awestruck and Anthony confused.

"You did what?" Anthony inquired incredulously, looking at Lin as if he were insane.

"Technically he did..." I admitted softly. Lin pulled me by my arm until we stood side by side, Lin crouching down a bit so that our faces were level with one another's.

"I'm joking. She's my niece, Anthony, see the resemblance?" Lin gestured between our faces, mimicking my confused expression, knowing that next to him, I looked paler than a ghost.

"She's white, Lin, are you crazy?" Anthony exclaimed half-joking half-serious.

"I really need to find Thomas. " Lin stood, changing the subject fluidly and effectively. "Watch her. Take her to Renee or Jasmine. They love kids. Don't lose her." Lin made the 'I'm watching you' gesture and walked off backward, waving goodbye to Anthony and I as he went.

"I'm not a child," I pouted, folding my arms across her chest, mimicking the actions of a child with a laugh. I was used to being treated like an adult. Especially with my foster parents.

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