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A/N: First off, I DO NOT own The Nightmare Before Christmas or any of its characters and settings. Second, this is going to be my first actual x Reader insert, so not hate. Don't like, don't read. Enjoy! :)

Warning! A small death ahead and a little violence!

It was Christmas Eve and you were sitting on your living room chair. Your (E/C) eyes were slowly skimming through your new book. Occasionally, you would look over at your sibling (S/N) who was sleeping on the couch. You tried to tell them that Santa might not come if they slept there, but they wouldn't budge. They said that if you were allowed to stay downstairs, then they would to. And it's not like your parents were there to tell them otherwise; they were away with your aunt, who you despised.

Putting a bookmark after the chapter's end, you set the book on the table and walked to the kitchen, taking a quick glance out of the window. You smiled as you saw the glistening snowflakes that drifted gently to the ground.

Opening the fridge, you took out (favorite drink). You took a sip and headed over to the cupboard for a bowl for some ice cream. However, before you reached the freezer (or wherever you keep your ice cream...), you heard a loud thunk. You quickly turned toward the window to see one of your Christmas decorations fall off the roof.

Without spilling your drink, you sprinted back into the living room to find Santa, his back facing you, filling the stockings. But he didn't look like Santa. He was supposed to be rather round (trying to be polite here....XD), but instead he was as thin as a stick.

You tensed up as he immediately stopped after filling the last stocking and stood up straight. You stared in awe as he nearly hit his head on your ceiling, which was actually pretty high. 'He's so freaking tall!' You thought with a gasp.

Upon hearing you, he quickly turned around and his face sent a shiver up your spine. He was a skeleton! A literal bonehead! You cupped your hand over your mouth as he stared at you for a few seconds, before saying, "Why hello, little girl!" 'Um, I'm (your age).... I'm not a little girl.' You thought. "What might your name be?" He asked, holding out his hand to you. You took a few steps back and took a glance at (S/N) who was waking up.

"Santa?" They asked sleepily, rubbing their eyes.

'Santa' turned to look at them and gave a huge, skeleton grin. "Merry Christmas, little one!" He reached into his red sack with his bony hand saying, "I have a special present for you! And your sister too!" He gave your sibling a white box tied with a black ribbon (like the one in the picture) and gave you a box with black wrapping paper and a red ribbon.

"Merry Christmas to you all!" He smiled happily, and with a wave, he headed up the chimney.

As soon as he was out of sight, you tossed your present to the ground. You thought there was something odd about that Santa. You didn't trust him. Looking over to your sibling, you watched as they finished untying the bow. "NO!" You screeched, but it was too late. Your sibling opened the box with a shrill scream as a murderous-looking black and white creature flew out of the box.

They ran into your arms as it flew towards you, laughing creepily. Looking at your present, you saw it had opened and a toy duck with evil eyes and holes with painted blood dripping from them came out. It screamed at you, causing you and your sibling to scream. You then saw a huge worm-snake thing hiss at you from under your Christmas tree. You darted into the kitchen, forgetting all about your sibling, and grabbed the biggest, sharpest knife you could find.

You ran into the living room to find the snake-thing eating your sibling head first. You hollered loudly in fear as you lunged for the thing, only to be bit on the knee by the sharp teeth of the black and white thing and then on the cheek by the duck as you landed on the floor. Hissing and howling in agony, you stabbed the toy duck in the center of its head with your knife. It released your cheek and stood lifeless, never moving while you stabbed the black and white thing where a heart would be. It released you and became inert as well.

You looked at the worm to see your sibling had been completely devoured. Hot tears sprang from your eyes and you let loose an ear-splitting shriek. You threw your knife at the snake, hitting it dead center in the middle of its head as it closed its eyes and lay on the ground.

You panted heavily, trying to stop the tears, as you released the knife and gripped your shirt. Your sweet (S/N) was dead. You immediately called the police, telling them what happened. They said that the imposter had been shot down and that Christmas was cancelled, but there was noting they could do to save your sibling.

You sat and cried for what seemed like hours when Santa, the REAL Santa, came into your living room. He disposed of the nasty toys and said gently, "(Y/N), I'm so sorry this happened. If I could've stopped it, I would've a lot sooner. Unfortunately, I can't save your sibling as they are long dead, but I can at least give you this." He handed you a frame with a picture of you and your sibling inside before turning around, apologizing once more, and heading up the chimney.

And Santa left you there, sitting in the corner, shaking and quivering with fear.

A/N: I'll update this if it gets some reads

✔️Jack Skellington x Reader - AfraidWhere stories live. Discover now