A Serious Danger ~Part 1

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(😳 Seriously?! 1.05K reads and 102 votes?! 😍😍😍 Thank you all so much! I'll be posting TWO chapters today, just for you guys! The second one will be special! Oh, and happy belated 4th of July!)

You winced in pain as you felt yourself roughly hit the floor. Around you, you could hear the chorused cackles and shrieks of your three kidnappers. They untied the sack and pulled you out by your hair and neck, which hurt like heck. (Hey, that rhymes! XD)

You now had a pretty good look at them. One was the shortest of the trio, wearing a purplish shirt with cloth skeleton bones sewn in for decoration. They were wearing a mask with eerie, yellow teeth and bags under the eyes. They were also the one dragging you by the hair over to a dimly lit corner.

There was also a tall one who was wearing a pink dress with a tall witch hat of the same color, as well as a green witch mask with black boots. You knew that was the one who out you in the sack. They were also the one that began to tie you tightly in chains once you were sitting in the corner.

The last one was the middle height out of all three people, and was absolutely covered in red. They wore a red suit with a small devil tail that wiggled around, as well as a creepy devil mask that seemed to be more of a medium pink or salmon color than anything. That member of the trio was the one who locked the locks of the chains.

They continued their cackles until the red one spoke up. "Our instructions were to make her as 'comfortable' as possible, so why don't we do that?" You could just see the evil smirk through his mask.

The others nodded giddily as they began to run around, gathering whatever cruel, gruesome things they could find. The short one brought over some axes, maces, and other deadly weapons. A box full of scorpions as black as the night were placed all over you by the one in pink, and the red one brought over rockets of all shapes and sizes.

"Who are you?" You whispered shakily.

They all stopped and slowly turned to look at you. They then looked at each other and giggled.

"I'm Lock!" The red one said, taking off his mask to reveal pale skin, yellow eyes, and light blue lips.

"Shock!" The one in pink took off her mask to reveal pale green skin and green lips.

"Barrel!" The short one finished, taking off his mask-which didn't look too different from his actual face-while taking a lick of his black and red lollipop.

"What do you plan on doing to me?" You quivered as a scorpion began to crawl it's way down your face.

"We were instructed to bring you here to get rid of you!" They chorused.

"By who?" You were curious. Everyone seemed so nice to you! What could, you have done to upset someone? Was it Jack?!

"We aren't allowed to say!" Shock said in a sing-song way.

"All you must know is that you should try not to scream too loudly." Barrel added.

"You wouldn't want one of those scorpions to finish you off before we have any fun." Lock sneered, a wicked grin on his face.

These people-no, kids-were insane! Who knew children could be so wicked and vile?! It didn't matter if this was Halloween Town or not, who raised them?! You shivered as you felt a scorpion slowly crawl along the back of your neck.

"Aw, is little (Y/N) scared?" Barrel fake pouted. Lock and Shock cackled loudly.

"Don't look so sad, (Y/N)!" Lock said, his face dangerously close to yours, as he brushed some of your hair out of your face. "We're only going to be as harsh and terrifying as possible!" They laughed, and by then, you knew you were in some serious danger.

(Part 2 will be posted later so I can add suspense.....and cliffhangers are just the sort of evil I like. 😏)

✔️Jack Skellington x Reader - AfraidWhere stories live. Discover now