All Yours

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You and Jack walked into town, hand in hand, back to where Doctor Finklestein was waiting.

"So?" He asked. "How was it?"

"It was a success, Doctor!" Jack cheered.

"Wonderful! But may I ask, how did that potion come to be?"

Jack froze. He had completely forgotten about who was to blame! "S-Sally......" He whispered.

"What?!" The doctor roared. He was clearly shocked.

"Lock, Shock, and Barrel claimed that the potion had been made by Sally! She wanted to erase (Y/N)'s memory!"


"I'm afraid I do not know. Oogie's boys didn't know either. But I'm going to find out!" Jack firmly took your hand once more, asking, "Where is she now?"

"I don't know, my boy. She might be at your front door, or she might have just gotten back home."

"Come on, (Y/N). We have some unfinished business to attend to."


Jack raced home as fast as his legs could take him. He burst through the doors, instructed you to stay hidden around the corner, and found Sally waiting on the couch for him.

"Oh, Jack!" She said, running up to him. "I was so worried!"

"I'm sorry, Sally. I had some errands to run."

"Like what?"

"I had to make a potion." Jack lied. He was going to try to see if she would admit what she did without asking directly. (Me: you little sneak.....)

"For what?"

"I needed to make a potion that wipes one's memory. But the Doctor and I found it strange that some ingredients were missing...."

"That is strange, Jack. Who could've done it?"

Jack was about to continue, but you cut him off by yelling, "Oh for the love of Halloween!" You rushed out from behind the corner and stormed right up to Sally, pointing your finger so close to her face that it almost touched her nose. "We know it was you, Sally! Just admit it!"


"Don't play dumb with me! Lock, Shock, and Barrel told us all they knew!"

"I don't know what you mean, (Y/N)." She said, trying to continue her innocence act.

"Oh really? Then I guess you wouldn't mind if I did this!" You pulled Jack down to your level by his jacket and gave him a long, hard kiss on the lips. You pulled back, giving Sally an evil smirk. You knew she was going to break. After all, you had heard the conversation between her and Jack. (Refer to the beginning of I Need an Antidote). Did she really think I couldn't see her disgust and rage when I shook her hand? When Jack said he loved me?

"Why, you little brat! How dare you kiss my Jack!" She yelled, each word dripping with venom. "I knew I shouldn't have made a memory eraser! I should've ended you right then and there!"

"Aha!" You yelled triumphantly. "So you plead guilty!"

"Only of murder."

"What murder?"

"This one." She gave you an insane grin as she held up a knife. "It shouldn't take long."

She barely took any steps towards you before Jack swiftly removed the knife from her grasp and pinned her to the floor. Running to a nearby desk, you pulled out some rope from the drawers and tied her wrists together behind her back.

"Ugh! Let me go!"

"No way, psycho!" You said. "We're taking you home."


When the three of you arrived at the laboratory, Doctor Finklestein locked Sally in a chamber (the one in the movie.....).

"You're staying in there!" The doctor yelled from behind the closed door. "Don't even think about escaping because the window is locked shut!"

"I don't understand...." Jack whispered in disbelief. "Why would she do this?"

"She was jealous, Jack." You replied flatly.

"Of what? Why?"

"You and I. You were her boyfriend before I arrived, weren't you?"

"I guess...."

"And I kinda took you away from her when you started to fall in love with me."

"But that wasn't your fault!"

"Well she obviously thinks it is." You stopped talking after that and began to think. She still has feelings for Jack, but he loves me now, and I can't change the way he feels. There's gotta be something we can do to fix this.....

You hadn't noticed that you began to pace around the room, which received strange looks from Jack and Finklestein.

Something here I cannot see..... What does it mean? Am I trying much too hard? There must be a simple solution....

"(Y/N)?" Jack asked, breaking you from your thoughts.


"You were pacing.... Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking.... Who are Sally's parents?"

"I am her creator." Finklestein spoke up.

"Wait, she was built?!"

"Couldn't you tell?"

"No...." You immediately went back to thinking and pacing. So she was constructed.... She must be a weird doll of some sort. Maybe a life-sized voodoo doll? Whatever. If she was hand-made, then maybe we can build her a lover of her own....

"Eureka!" You cheered, startling the doctor and your skeleton man. "I've got it!"

"Got what, (Y/N)?" They asked in sync.

"What if we made the ideal lover for Sally! And if we can, we can give him some personality traits of Jack's so it will fit better!"

"That's brilliant!" Finklestein smiled. "I still have her blueprints, so I will begin right away!"

You smiled as you and Jack headed for the door. "Whelp, looks like my work here is done."

"That's good, (Y/N)." Jack smiled.

'Because now, I can be all yours.'

✔️Jack Skellington x Reader - AfraidWhere stories live. Discover now