I'm Here

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(Sorry if the format is different than usual or appears to be weird or strange. I'm currently coming back from a school trip to Boston and I have to use the Wattpad app, which I'm still getting used to.)

You looked at your hand that was intertwined with the kind skeleton's. It kinda made you feel warm, which was weird considering that he had no blood pumping, or even skin. It just felt right...

Quickly glancing up, you saw that he caught your gaze. You immediately turned to face the ground, a slight blush rising to your cheeks that grew darker when you heard his deep chuckle and felt his grip strengthen slightly.

"I can't wait to see what everyone will think!" He chirped with his skeleton grin. "I'm sure they'll be in for a real treat!"

'I hope so....' You thought.

Eventually, you guys arrived at a gate that was opened by a gatekeeper. Well, I guess I should say Gatereeper because it's what the sign said.

It wasn't long before you heard a deep voice yell, "Jack's back!" At that, your eyes widened as monsters of all kind began running towards the two of you.....which scared the day lights out of you.

The monsters were all sorts of colors, shapes, and sizes. Some had glowing red eyes and sharp teeth, others had snakes for fingers and spiders in their hair. (Get my reference? Huh? No? Well then.....) Some were missing a few limbs or eyes and others didn't look natural in any way.

They formed a circle around you both, and you didn't like the looks of their faces closeup. The noises were loud and scary and didn't help the situation at all. This isn't what you had expected at all. You collapsed onto your knees and screamed. And by god, you looked like a demon from that 'little place'.

You had never been that frightened in your life, not even on that Christmas Eve. This was beyond terrible. Beyond frightening. You were now in a state of mass hysteria and insanity. You were mortified.

Meanwhile, as everyone froze, Jack looked on with shock. You scream sounded so familiar. He felt like he had seen you before, but that scream.... Where had he seen you before?

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" He shouted repeatedly, shaking your shoulders, but instantly retreated when your eyes opened. He could see the fear in your eyes, and it honestly began to freak him out. He had never seen a human so scared before! It was irregular!

"Get away from me!" You shouted. "Leave me alone! I'm not ready to die!"

Jack quickly ushered everyone away with a few threats and roars, leaving you two alone in Town Square. He knelt down, hugging you tightly so that you were completely pressed against him. "You're afraid." He said softly. "But I'm here. I will protect you. So please, look at me."

You looked up, letting him see your tear-filled eyes. "But you don't understand, Jack. I-" You were cut off when you felt him carry you bridal style. His arms were wrapped protectively around your legs and back as he ran through the town.

Climbing up a flight of stairs that had no ground underneath them whatsoever, you realized that he was taking you to his house. Quickly scrambling inside, he brought you to his room and gently set you on his bed. He immediately sat down next to you and took your hands tightly in his.

You looked into his eye sockets as he looked into your pretty eyes. "(Y/N), please don't be afraid. Nobody will hurt you here, I promise!"

"But Jack, you really don't understand." You whispered. "You don't know what's happened. You have no idea what I've been through."

"Then tell me. Make me understand! You shouldn't have to constantly live in fear, (Y/N)." He pleaded.

"I'm here for you, now and forever."

(Sorry this sucks. Having a bit of writer's block here.....)

✔️Jack Skellington x Reader - AfraidWhere stories live. Discover now