Just Like I Promised

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Warning: Suicide Attempt

You were there. You saw it. Did they? Of course not! Did they understand? Why would they? Did they believe you? Well, after a story like that, who would? And so you looked in the distance, gazing at the outlines of your parents' shadows ahead of you. The snow was slowly falling as you ran towards them, tears spilling from your eyes. Tightly wrapping your arms around them upon impact, you captured them both in a tight hug. "Nobody understands!" You sobbed uncontrollably. "Nobody believes me! Not even you! Why would you do that to me?! How could you betray me?! How could you just leave me alone like that?! You weren't there! You didn't see it! How could you blame me when it was never my fault in the first place?!"

Looking up at your parents, you saw them begin to disappear. As they left, slowly drifting away once more, all you could hear was one whisper.....

"Why would anyone ever believe you? Why would anyone understand? We didn't betray you. You betrayed us." And just like that, they were gone. Leaving behind a
knife stained with your sibling's blood, the black and white toy, the bleeding duck, and a note: 'It's your fault. It always has been. It always will be.'


You immediately awoke with a fright. Bolting upright, you ran over to a mirror and gazed at yourself. Your fear-stricken face was as pale as possible and your eyes were so wide you thought they would burst out of your skull. They were bloodshot from crying, as well.

You fell to the ground as you sobbed hysterically into your hands. You were trembling. You were afraid. You were alone once more.

"Why me?!" Your yells ran throughout the house, breaking the unbearable silence. "Why me?! What did I ever do to deserve this?!"

Standing up and looking at yourself in the mirror once more, you continued to yell. "I never asked for this! I never wanted this! I just wanted to live a happy life!" Looking at the top of the dresser below the mirror, you saw a knife.

You didn't hesitate to grab it. You gripped it tightly; so tightly that your knuckles turned white....so tightly that your hands trembled. "There's only one escape! One escape from the fear that has bounded me in chains! One escape from the fear that has enslaved my entire being!" You held the knife's blade in front of your throat and.....

You froze, eyes widened. You watched as the shining blade flew from your grasp. It zipped across the room, landing only when its blade pierced through the window and fell to the ground below, leaving a gaping hole in the window.

You were turned around to be met by a raging skeleton. "What were you doing?!" His voice boomed with anger. You said nothing. "Answer me, (Y/N)!" He yelled again, shaking you fiercely.

You pushed out of his grip, still in a trance, as you sat on the couch. "They came back." You whispered, your voice cracking. "It came back."

You looked at Jack to see his face instantly soften. Just like that, his anger had vanished from sight. He immediately ran over and sat next to you, engulfing you in a hug as he pulled you into his lap. The way he began to stroke your hair felt so soothing, as well as the way he softly rubbed your back. "I'm so sorry, (Y/N). I should've been here!" He whispered. "But I'm here now, so there's nothing for you to fear. I'll protect you." He nuzzled his face into the side of your neck.

"I can't do this anymore, Jack." You said sadly. "This fear has completely ruined me. I'm so broken now that I've become impossible to fix."

"Nonsense!" He said. He stood up, holding you bridal style as he ran out of the house.

"Jack, where are you taking me?" You asked.

"I know someone that can help you, for sure!"


"Yes! He can cure you fear!" He glanced down at you with a smile, whispering,

'After all, it's just like I promised.'

✔️Jack Skellington x Reader - AfraidWhere stories live. Discover now