I Have You

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Sorry for my language, but HOLY SHIT! 4K reads and over 300 votes?!?! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! Special chapter tonight, this will be! And long..... XD Thanks for all the support, my little.....oh, I gotta think of a name for you guys.... Dragonettes/Dragones? Dragonistas/Dragonists? Hm...... *dragonslayers?...for all dem Fairy Tail fans.....* 🤔🤔🤔


"Listen carefully, (Y/N)." Doctor Finklestein told you sternly. "You are to run as fast as you can to the graveyard. Never, and I mean never, stop. Jack will be waiting for you at the top of Spiral Hill."

You nodded in response.

"I hope this works...." He whispered. "If it doesn't, then I don't know what will."

You looked at the three townspeople that stood behind the doctor, each holding a box that varied in size. You had no idea what your fear had been, but whatever it was, it must've been something terrible. You were a little frightened from the lack of knowledge, to be frank. But all you had to do was listen to the doctor's advice.

"Are you ready, (Y/N)?" He asked.

"Y-yes...." You whispered.

"Then run! Go!" He yelled as you heard the box latches flicked open.

You began to run as fast as you could when you heard a sinister cackle and a loud hiss. You were curious as to what was following you, and since nobody ever said anything about looking back, you decided to do so. But you instantly regretted it.

You saw a large, striped snake, a toy duck with sharp teeth that looked like it had been shot, and a black and white thing that flew and also had sharp teeth. The black and white thing smirked at you with a low growl.

You screamed loudly, louder than anything you ever thought possible. Your vision began to grow fuzzy as your head began to throb. The town, the sky, everything began to fade away, only to be replaced with a very familiar room with a green tree decorated with bright lights.

You saw Jack in a red suit rimmed with cotton. You saw the three monsters sticking out of Jack's sack. You heard the screams and cries of someone you once knew. You could hear the cackles and howls of the nightmares of that Christmas eve. You could hear the shrieks of every child on the block.

It was all coming back. You remembered everything as if it only happened yesterday. But this time, it was more vivid than ever. It felt like you were right there in the room, all those years ago.

"J-Jack!" You shrieked as you pushed open the gates to the graveyard and began to dodge and jump over the tombstones. You pushed yourself farther until you reached the base of the hill. Quickly scrambling up, you ran over to Jack and tightly wrapped your arms around his thin figure. You shut your eyes tightly, tears flowing from them, as you heard three, low cackles, followed by the sound of smashed pumpkins.

You whimpered in fear as Jack whispered, "Its okay now, (Y/N). They're gone."

"Jack! Oh, Jack!" You sobbed. He hushed you, rubbing soothing circles in the small of your back. "Jack! I'm so afraid!"

"I know, and I'm so sorry!" He whispered shakily. "But you needed your memory back! No matter how much this pained us both, it had to be done."

The two of you kneeled to the ground, Jack enveloping you in a tight embrace as you sobbed onto his shoulder. He buried his face in your neck, eyes squeezed shut, as he felt your shakes and trembles reverberate throughout his bones.

You guys sat like this for a while before your sobs began to die down, eventually turning into occasional sniffles. By then, Jack pulled away slightly so that he could look at your face. He didn't care that your face and eyes were red. He was just happy that you were back to your usual self, although at a high price paid.

"(Y/N).....are you okay?" He asked.

"No." You whispered. "No, I'm not. I'm so afraid, Jack. I never thought I would be this terrified again in my life...."

"Are you angry?"

"For what?"

"My decision. Would you have rather have your memory lost forever?"

You pondered for a while, leaving the two of you in a silence that was actually a bit comfortable. "I'm happy I got my memory back...."

Jack's eyes widened. "But why? You had the chance to completely forget your fear!"

"But if I completely forgot my fear, then....." You hesitated, fiddling with your fingers and avoiding eye contact before finishing, "that would mean I would completely forget how much I love you...."

Jack's eyes widened further.

"I know you don't feel the same towards me, seeing as how I am human and you are a skeleton. But......"

"Don't you ever say that, (Y/N)!" Jack boomed. You jumped a bit, startled. "I don't care if I'm a skeleton and you're a human! I love you with all of my heart, and I won't let anything get in the way!"

With that said, Jack quickly smashed his lips onto yours. You were so shocked. He loved you back??? But why? Man, you were really wrong there, weren't you? But no matter. Your love was kissing you and you weren't reacting! (Me: What are you doing, Reader-chan?! Hurry your ass up and kiss your Pumpkin King!)

He wrapped his arms around your waist as you wrapped yours around his neck, melting into the kiss. Your heads tilted slightly so that you could have better access to each other's mouths. As your tongues began to battle for dominance, your fingers began to fiddle with Jack's jacket while his played with your dress's black waistband.

In the end, Jack won, and his tongue explored your cavern twice, just to make sure he didn't miss a single inch. He slowly pulled away as a string of saliva dangled from both of your bottom lips. He smiled softly as he went for your neck, showering it in soft kisses before beginning to nip at it.

You moaned as he nipped at your sweet spot, which caused him to bite harder and suck on it. That was definitely going to leave a mark later. He did this process three times before pulling back with a sexy smirk plastered on his skull.

"I can't tell you how long I've been waiting to do that." He whispered huskily. You smiled softly at him. He stood up, holding his hand out for you to take as he pulled you to your feet. He lightly pinched your flushed cheek as he said, "I can get used to this, no doubt!" You giggled in reply.

As the two of you began to walk back to town, Jack asked, "(Y/N), are you still afraid?"

You shook your head with a hum, replying, "How can I be? After all....

'I have you.'

(My god. 1,177 words. 😳

.....it was worth it.)

✔️Jack Skellington x Reader - AfraidWhere stories live. Discover now