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You walked down the streets of Halloween Town with Jack, hand in hand. You walked past the townspeople, past the gate, and through the cemetery where Spiral Hill stood. Everything you passed brought memories. Some good, some bad. Some old, some recent. Either way, they had all happened here in Halloween Town.

You didn't miss your old life. The people? Worthless. The foster father? Pathetic. The pain and suffering? Totally not worth it. Your past.... It was now like a distant memory. You missed your sibling, and to be honest, you missed your parents a little. But everything happened and there was no changing it. Oh well. Crap happens, I guess.

The two of you walked through the forest of dried grass, old dirt, and dead trees. The silence was peaceful, but not awkward in the least. Even when Jack spoke, a soft quietness remained. "(Y/N)..."

You hummed, allowing for him to continue.

"I can't believe all of this is real."

"You think I can't either?" You smiled. "You're a talking skeleton! This is a town solely dedicated to Halloween! It's like a strange realm of a twisted imagination. This isn't at all like things were before."

"What was your world like?"

"Painful, torturous, depressing, need I go on?"

"Unfortunately, I know that. I meant, what was life like? How does it feel to be there? Do you understand?"

"I think... There's advanced technology like cell phones and iPads and stuff, we don't have ghost dogs, people are actually live humans with flesh and blood, you get the jist."

"Not too different from Halloween Town, I see...."

"Eh.... More like very different, yet similar in the slightest."

A moment of silence stood before Jack spoke again. "There's actually something that's bugging me..."

"What is it?"

"I'm honestly a little curious as to why you are still here."

You were offended and a little hurt at that. "You don't want me here?"

"No! No! It's nothing like that!" Jack said hurriedly. "It's just that Halloween Town has some sort of strange....barrier. It doesn't stop humans from coming in, but it instead kicks them out once they are inside. I just wonder why it didn't kick you out.... You are human, right?"

"Last time I check I was." You laughed.  

"Strange indeed, then...."

Suddenly, you felt a pang in your heart. You dropped to the ground, gagging. "(Y/N)!!" Jack yelled, rushing to you. You began to cough up blood, which, for some reason, was black. 'What the hell? What is this?' You thought.

Did you eat something bad? Were you cursed? No.... You wanna know what it might be? Remember the potion? The one Oogie Boogie dropped you in? Do you remember how Lock, Shock, and Barrel claimed it was dangerous and extremely unstable? Well maybe it doesn't just erase memories and induce amnesia....

You were losing breath. You felt your pulse dramatically decrease. You were dying!!! You couldn't breathe. Your blood was black. That blood was dripping from your ears, eyes, mouth, and any other open places in your body. The blood was practically engulfing you! Eventually, Jack's screams faded. The pain disappeared. Everything turned black.


"Miss! Are you okay, miss?"

You slowly opened your eyes to see bright lights. Everything was white and blue.

✔️Jack Skellington x Reader - AfraidWhere stories live. Discover now