Important A/N

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So like I said in the sequel, I'm going to make a revision of this book. I'm keeping this exact one here though because it's both the original and they very first book I ever made. I'm simply making a new, separate book for the revisions. I'm also going to post Chapter 1, Part 1 and Chapter 2, Part 2 of the sequel here at one point, because I'll eventually revise those as well to make sure they fit with the upcoming revisions. Just want to keep the originals out there!

But anyway, the first chapter of the revisions book will be out in literally a few seconds. The title of the revisions books is just going to be Afraid. Nothing more. Just wanted to put this here. Thanks for all of the love, both for me and this book! I'm very happy that everyone liked this book as much as they did, and I hope the revisions will be just as loved! (They'll be longer btw, and will have a lot more ideas, changes, and content! Especially with Sally. I do not like how I portrayed her in this book.)

Anyway, thanks for reading the original Afraid! 💙

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