Simply Not Meant To Be

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(I have a feeling that I may be posting a few chapters tonight......😉  I've got some inspiration and serious dedication going on! Just kidding. I'm just super hyper. Anyone else wide awake?)

*Jack's P.O.V*

It's been a few weeks since (Y/N) disappeared, and I've become a nervous wreck. Day after day I await her return. Night after night I miss her dearly.

This is all my fault! If I would've just told her the truth in the very beginning, none of this would've ever happened! How could I have been so stupid?! Now, not only have I lost the girl I truly love, but she may never come back and I'll never be able to confess my feelings to her.

I love the way her (H/L), (H/C) hair sways/bounces as she walks about. I love her beautiful smile that shines brighter than Zero's nose. I love her angelic voice that could never compare to the music that drifts throughout Halloween Town.

But the only problem is that I have no idea what happened. When she fled from the Doctor's lab, nobody had seen her. Nobody has any idea of what direction she fled in. Nobody knows what has become of her. She could've found her way to the colorful doors and went to another holiday. She could've been kidnapped. Why, she could be dead for all I know!

I buried my face into my bony hands, clutching my skull tightly. My beautiful angel was gone. Most likely forever.

I was pulled from my thoughts as I heard a knock on my door. I instantly sprang up and ran. 'Is it her?' I thought hopefully, a smile growing into my skull. 'Has she finally come home?'

I opened the door, but only to see Sally instead. My smile fell as I sighed.

"Hello, Jack!" She smiled.

"Hey Sally." I replied.

"What're you up to?"

"I'm just thinking about (Y/N). She's been gone for so long! I'm starting to worry!"

Sally sighed as she asked me softly, "Jack? May I speak with you inside?"

I nodded slowly as I let her in. We sat on the couch in the living room as she began to speak. "Jack, I might know why she hasn't come back."

"Really?!" I asked, quite surprised. 'Does she know where my angel is?!'

"Yes. Um...have you ever thought that maybe....well...."

"Spit it out!"

"Well, you said you loved her, correct?" She continued after I nodded in response. "Do you remember when you asked yourself if it were possible for a human to love a skeleton?"

I nodded once more. I was very curious now. Where was this leading?

"Well, it just so happens that I had talked to her one day while you were out. I asked her if she had any feelings for you, and she said....well, no. She said she didn't have romantic feelings for you." That was it. My heart shattered into a million pieces, right then and there. She didn't love me? But why?

Before I could think of possible answers to my question, Sally said, "She says that it would be impossible for a human to love a skeleton. She said it's just not to be."

I was heartbroken. She knew that skeletons and humans can't fall in love with one another. Why did it have to be true?! Why can't we be together forever?!

"Is there anything else you must tell me?" I whispered.

"Why, yes, there is. I had told her that you had feelings for her, and when I did, she said that she could never love you." And the pain just goes in and on, doesn't it? "So as for the reason she hasn't come back, why would she come back? She doesn't love you. She never will love you."

I suddenly felt Sally's lips on mine. I was so shocked that I didn't kiss back, but I didn't pull away either. When she pulled away, she whispered into my ear, "But at least I love you.~"

So that's it then. (Y/N) doesn't love me. She never has. She never will. She's gone forever, never to return. I will never see her stunning face again. I will never see her bright smile. I will never hear her wonderful laugh. As Sally began to kiss me again, the only thought running through my head was beautiful little (Y/N), slowly disappearing, as she whispered,

'We're simply not meant to be.'

✔️Jack Skellington x Reader - AfraidWhere stories live. Discover now