The Pumpkin King

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(Couldn't help myself. I needed to write more!!!! :D I also needed to get Jack in here.....)

You slowly opened your eyes and sat up off the cold ground. Looking around, you saw gray tombstones of many shapes, but mostly crosses. You also saw a huge hill that ended in a curl and the huge, gleaming moon behind it.

"What happened?" You asked yourself out loud. Standing up and dusting yourself off, you began to recall the past events. You remembered leaving your house, the ghost dog, and the pumpkin door you fell through.

Your eyes widened. You had no idea where you were. The dog was nowhere in sight, so you were alone. "Oh my god, I'm in some demon place!" You figured. "Something's gonna come up and kill me! Oh why did I follow that dog?!" By now, you were practically pulling out your hair. "I'm so done for! I'm a dead man!"

"Are you sure? You seem more alive than anything else in this place." You turned around with a jump to see a tall, skeletal man. His empty eye sockets and eerie smile sent shivers up your spine as you let out an ear-splitting scream.

His eyes widened as he held a bony hand over your mouth, trying to calm you down, but that just made matters worse. You thrashed all over, escaping his grip with another scream as you ran into the graveyard. "Wait!" He called behind you, but you refused to listen.

You ran as fast as you could towards the curled hill and ran to the top. Instantly scanning the graveyard, you saw that the skeleton was nowhere to be seen. Sighing, you sat down and began to think.

'Could that skeleton dude know the imposter? Could it be him? He does look a little too familiar...... It can't be, though. He was shot down!' You were interrupted from your thoughts when you felt an unusually cold hand on your shoulder. With a jerk, you looked up to see the bone man.

"Didn't you hear me?" He asked quietly. You slowly nodded. "Then why didn't you stop?" You shrugged, not making eye contact. "Well, don't you think you should introduce yourself? I'll tell you my name if you tell me yours."

Softly, as quietly as you could, you whispered, "(Y/F/N.)"

"(Y/N)...." He said to himself. "That's a pretty name. I'm Jack Skellington, but you might know me as the Pumpkin King." He held out his bony hand, but you refused to shake it. "(Y/N), are you afraid of me?"

You didn't react in any way this time. You may be a scaredy-cat, but you weren't rude. You didn't want to hurt Jack's feelings. "Could you at least look at me, please?" He begged. Slowly, you lifted your head enough to look at him from the corner of your eyes. "That's....somewhat better." He smiled softly.

You watched as he sat down next to you, hanging his legs over the side of the hill. You could feel his eyes burning into your side, but you didn't dare look. 'Is he really the one from that day? If he is, is he planning to get rid of me like he did to my sibling? But if he isn't.....'

"Y'know, it's not everyday we see a human here, (Y/N)." He began, but you cut him off with, "If I'm a burden Mr. Skellington, just say so. I'll leave." You whispered. "No, no! You're welcome here! It's just a rare sight, that's all!" He smiled, and his smile grew bigger when he began to see a small one on your face.

"So you can smile!" He cheered.

"I never said I couldn't."

"But you also never said that you could."


"Anyways, how did you get here?"

"A ghost dog came and saved me from.....well, you don't need to know what. Anyway, it took me into the forest where it led me to a pumpkin door that I fell into."

"Ghost dog? Ah, you must mean Zero!"

"Oh, it has a name? And an owner?"

"Yeah, he's my dog! My good pal!"

"Well, he's adorable and very kind. You taught him well." You said with a smile, bigger than you had smiled in years, and that made Jack's face brighten instantly. Your was beautiful!

"I'm glad you think that. So, shall we go into the town?" He asked you as he rose to his feet, holding out his hand. You didn't budge as your smile faded. "It's okay. I'll be with you." Hesitantly, you took his bony hand. It felt weird, but also normal at the same time.

"I'm sure everyone will love you! Especially Sally!" He chirped, but you weren't listening. You could only hear one thing: a thought from your mind that echoed repeatedly.....

'I'm holding hands with a Pumpkin King.'

✔️Jack Skellington x Reader - AfraidWhere stories live. Discover now