Come Back

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"(Y/N)!!!!" Jack howled. He leaped in attempt to grab your hand, but he was too late. He landed roughly on the wheel as he watched you slowly sink into the pit of yellow and orange. He continued to yell out your name, hoping and praying that you would surface. His eyes never left your blurry figure that was thrashing about in the substance.

"Oogie, what have you done?!" Jack shrieked. "She's going to die!!!"

"She won't die, Jack." Oogie cackled. "It's only a potion, after all!~"

"Potion? Of what sort?!"

"I can't say. You'll just have to wait and see! As for now, you deal with me!" Oogie laughed heartily as he ran to a nearby lever. Pushing it down, he smirked as rows of spears began to spring out from the base of the wheel, only to retract and instantly appear somewhere else.

Jack gasped as he jumped, doing a split in air to avoid being impaled. He then had to duck almost as soon as he landed, for scythes that hung from the ceiling began to swing down.

While Jack was occupied, Oogie saw this as the perfect opportunity to release his new weapons: explosive dice. "I hope you love my new gambling toys, Jack!" His voice boomed. "I made them just for you!" He began to throw the dice at Jack, trying to blow him up to smithereens, only for Jack to dodge those as well.

"Well you're in luck, Oogie!" Jack began. "I've gotten some new toys too!" Reaching into his jacket, Jack began to pull out explosive Jack-o-Lanterns that cackled when ignited. (Y' from Disney Infinity.....) He began to toss them at Oogie, and the room soon became a live firework show.

Eventually, Jack leaped into the air to avoid both a spear row and a dice and latched onto the rope of a nearby suspended scythe. Using the force of the jump to help swing on the rope, he quickly untied the weapon and landed on the wheel in front of Oogie. Without a second's hesitation, Jack sliced Oogie's side, causing bugs to spill out everywhere.

Oogie howled in pain. "I'll be back, Jack! You'll pay for this inconvenience!" With that said, the fabric of the now-empty Boogie Man came to rest flat on the wheel.

Jack panted from lack of breath as he began to squash every bug, making sure not to miss a single one. "I'm never going through this again." He sighed as he stomped on the last bug.

Brushing off his pinstripe jacket, Jack looked around at the mess they had caused. He then looked at the pit in the middle, which was glowing a bright red.

"I forgot all about (Y/N)!" Jack shouted with a gasp as he ran to the rim of the pit. He desperately tried to catch a glimpse of your figure, but the substance was as thick as could be. He considered reaching in and pulling you out, but he didn't dare know what reaction it could cause.

"Jack!" He heard someone yell. He looked around to soon see the descending cage that held Lock, Shock, and Barrel.

"Don't touch it!" Barrel yelled.

"It's dangerous!" Shock added.

"And extremely unstable!" Lock finished.

"What is it?!" Jack was outraged now. What had they done to you?

"It's some kind of potion!" Lock answered. "We don't know what kind. Why, we weren't even the ones who made it! But it's supposed to do something to whoever touches it."

"Why would you do that to (Y/N)?!"

"We were just following orders!" Barrel cried out.

"From who?" Jack asked sternly. "Oogie?!"

"Didn't you know?" Shock asked innocently. "It was Sally! She told us that you wanted to get rid of her!"

"I never said anything of the sort!" Jack was surprised, to say the least. Why would Sally do this? To you, of all people too! Was there something between you two that he didn't know about? "Well no matter the case, we have to get her out!"

"Right!" The trio saluted him in sync as they lowered a chain into the pit using a panel.

Jack paced impatiently as he waited for the chain's handcuffs to find their way to at least one of your wrists. What if you were too deep? What if they could never find you? What if you were truly gone forever?

"Jack, you should go rest." Lock said from behind the control panel. "We can take everything from here."

"Why should I believe you?!" He asked. "You brought Oogie back and left (Y/N) to suffer because of him!"

"We're sorry Jack!" Barrel pleaded for forgiveness from the Pumpkin King. "We were just following our master's orders!"

"After all, it's what he instructed us to do before you killed him the first time as a backup plan," added Shock.

"I guess I'll give you one last chance." Jack replied with a sigh. "Especially since I'm taking all of your fabric, thread, and bugs."

"That's fine, Jack." Lock said. "Now go rest while we try to get (Y/N) out of here. Come by in the morning. She should be out by then."

Jack nodded sadly before walking off.

As he walked through the graveyard, he took a longing glance at Spiral Hill, remembering when you first met. He always treasured that memory.... "Oh (Y/N)...." He whispered.

'Come back.....'

✔️Jack Skellington x Reader - AfraidWhere stories live. Discover now