The Pain I Caused

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*Jack's POV*

I sat with (Y/N) on my bed, my hands tightly holding onto hers as if she would disappear if I were to let go. I calmly listened to her, her slight pauses for sniffles and sobs never bothering me. I listened, just as I promised.

But inside, I could barely contain my hatred. The burning hatred I was growing towards myself. (Y/N) told me of the skeleton Sandy Claws that brought the deadly killer toys. She told me how they not only harmed her, but also killed her sibling. It was all my fault. All of it.

She must not realize that it was I who ruined her life, for she hasn't shown too immense of a fear towards me. That, or she doesn't recognize me without the suit. Either way, I was baffled; stumped, as well. Should I tell her the truth? Maybe I should wait....but that would make the blow hurt even more, wouldn't it? Maybe I shouldn't tell her at all, just wait and see what happens if she figures it out on her own....

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard her harshly whisper, "I hate that man with all my heart. If being shot out of the sky didn't kill him, then I hope he dies soon. I'll do it myself if I have to! He can't get away with this! He can't! I won't stand for it!!!"

I was greatly hurt by the words that came out of her mouth. She never asked for this. I especially didn't mean for this to happen neither.

"It's okay, (Y/N). I'm sure they're dead, I know it!" I lied. I am so ashamed of myself!

"They better be. They don't deserve to be alive after everything they put the world through." She said as she began to crawl under the covers. I rose to my feet, giving her a small kiss on the forehead before turning off the light and exiting the room.


When I reached the bottom of the stairs, I immediately headed out the door and walked through town, giving mere waves to the townspeople that tried to approach me. I walked until I got to the graveyard. Shutting the gate behind me, I gazed at Spiral Hill.

"There are few who'd deny it; what I did was a mistake
For my actions frightened all far and wide
When it came to stealing good ol' Christmas Eve
I wrecked the lives of many with my horrors

While brushing off the fact that no one understood
I continued to take Christmas in my hand
I always fanned away the possibility of failure
Which is why nothing turned out as I had planned

But little did I know about the people I broke
And I greatly wish to fix all my blunders
For I Jack, the Pumpkin King
Would very much like to repair everything

Oh, somewhere deep inside of these bones
An emptiness began to grow
If only I had not been so blind
Her life of fear would not be designed

I'm a master of fright and a demon of light
And I'll scare you right out of your pants
So I still wonder why I went and touched the sky
Just to spread my toys from England to France

And since I am dead I can take off my head
To recite Shakespearean quotations
No animal nor man can scream like I can
Which is why I don't make Christmas decorations

So why, Jack, did you have to try
To go and give the people something 'great'
And now, I must pay the price
For I did not listen to Sally's advice

Oh, there's an empty place in my bones
That calls out for something unknown
I have yet to tell her that this game
Caused me to be the one she must blame."

I turned around to face the moon behind me as I now reached the top of Spiral Hill. Sitting down, I buried my skull in my hands. How could I have caused (Y/N) this much misery? Why didn't I just listen to Sally? Why did I have to go an ruin everything?

"I'm so sorry, (Y/N)! I didn't mean it, I swear!" I whimpered. "I didn't know..... I just....." I sighed sadly.

"I didn't know about the pain I caused."

(Sorry if the song was terrible. I'm not really that good with that stuff but a song just seemed most appropriate.....)

✔️Jack Skellington x Reader - AfraidWhere stories live. Discover now