A Chance

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(I want to thank you all SO much for staying with my book as long as you have! I didn't think it would turn out this well! You are all amazing! <3)

You woke up to a sweet aroma that spread throughout the house. "Mmm!" You smiled as you took a whiff. 'It smells so good!' You thought as you got out of bed and you, being the polite girl you are, made the bed before leaving the room.

You slowly walked down the halls before finding a spiral staircase. Descending down, you walked further until you saw a kitchen. (I hope you don't mind if I change up his house a bit. He doesn't have a kitchen in his house.....or a few other rooms I may include). You quickly hid around a corner when you saw Jack, his back facing you. He was in the middle of preparing a meal and you didn't want to bug him, so you found your way to his living room instead.

You were a bit amazed at the sight. It had a Halloween-Christmas mix theme to it. There were cobwebs, creepy statues, dust, and rather dark lighting. However, it also had Christmas lights on the cobwebs and around the fireplace, a small Christmas tree with some tinsel and ornaments, and a few Candy Canes and paper snowflakes here and there. You couldn't help but giggle at a snowflake with a spider cut into it.

"What's so funny?" You heard someone ask, which nearly sent you jumping into the ceiling. You turned around to see Jack in a cooking hat and an apron. He looked a little odd, causing you to giggle even more.

He smiled his skeleton grin as he took your hand, leading you into the kitchen. He pulled out a chair at the wooden table, pushing it in after you sat down. 'What a gentleman!' You thought.

"I don't really know what humans eat since I'm not alive anymore, but I read in a book that many humans love these." He said as he put (F/F) in front of you. "I believe it is called (food name)."

"Is that what that delicious smell was?" You asked, a bright smile etched onto your features.

Jack nodded before saying, "Eat up! We have to be at Town Hall very soon!"

"May I ask why?"

"You're going to be properly introduced to the residents of Halloween Town!" Jack smiled. You could've swore you saw your heart beat out of your chest.


You stood behind the dark curtain. You were trembling and shaking so much that you feared you would start an earthquake....or at least shake the building down. You tugged at the dress that Jack begged you to wear. It was white with sleeves that went from your neck to your shoulder tips, similar to a tank top. Around your waist was a thick, black band made of silk that resembled a spider web, and the bottom rim of the skirt (which stopped just above your knees) had wavy hills, with Spiral Hill printed at the front right (your left!!!) that was colored in black.

You jumped as you heard a loud click and saw a bright circle on the curtain. 'Must be a spotlight....' You thought. On the other side, you began to listen to Jack's speech while everyone quieted.

"I have someone very special I would like you all to meet today! Now, she is very delicate and is frightened easily, so please don't scare her. She's been through a lot. And be nice. She shouldn't have to have any reason to worry while she is here. Now, please welcome my dear friend!"

You stepped forward as the curtain rose, temporarily being blinded by the spotlight. When you recovered, you knew, without a doubt, that you turned paler than a ghost. You had seen some of the creepies before, but there were new figures as well. You saw some kind of mummy kid, a creepy clown, a zombie-like dude with an axe in his head, a green fish-lizard-mermaid thing, and so much more. And what made matters worse is that nobody said a word. All they did was stare at you with their beady eyes.

Awkwardly, you gave a small wave to them while whispering, "Hello." When nobody moved once more, you glanced at Jack to see him gesturing for you to talk to them. You gave him a pleading look that said 'I can't do this Jack!'. He smiled softly as he urged you on once more.

Taking a deep breath, you continued. "My name is (Y/N). I'm (your age) and I am in (grade number). I love-(insert things you like (it can be anything) but I'll write some of my stuff since I read my work too XD)-to play video games, draw pictures, watch anime, listen to music, and practice songs on my keyboard. Except.....well...."

As you trailed off, you saw Jack look at you worriedly. He shook his head, mouthing, 'you don't have to talk about it.'

"....except that I don't have any of those things anymore since....I got all of that stuff taken away when I moved. Yeah, that's it." You winced as you didn't sound too sure of yourself.

"Do you like Halloween?" You heard someone ask.

"I-I don't know..." You whispered in response.

"What about witches?" Came one voice.

"What about spiders?" Another asked.

"What about the dark?" Asked one more.

"Woah, everyone! Not so fast!" Jack chuckled. "Give the lady a chance to speak!"

'What do I say?' You thought. 'I don't want to offend anyone by saying I'm afraid of the holiday! They work so hard, I'm sure! I don't want to criticize them on accident!'

"I guess I love Halloween and all of its spooks." You lied. You still hated it...especially that skeleton Santa. That's the only reason.

On the other hand, Jack has been so nice to you! And Zero saved you! Everyone else seemed to be friendly.....somewhat.....as well. You didn't feel endangered here. You actually felt a little accepted. You smiled, confidence surging through your body as you prepared to answer any questions as you thought,

'I guess I can give them a chance.'

✔️Jack Skellington x Reader - AfraidWhere stories live. Discover now