I'm Saved

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You walked out of the cage, hissing in pain with each step you took while Barrel laughed at you. It's feels like you've been held hostage for years, although you know it's a lot less than that. Either way, you couldn't take much more of this torture. He kept rolling his dice, smacking them into your arms, legs, and face to leave bruises, as he would fill you with any potion of his choosing. What they did, you didn't know. No side effects came about yet.

Barrel shut the door behind you as you went back to the couch by the window. That's where you sat, all day, everyday. If you moved from that spot, then down to Oogie you'd go. But since you've started to follow the rules, Oogie said that you can walk around the house for, at most, an hour a day as long as either Lock, Shock, or Barrel are with you. But you're too sore for that. You can also sleep on the couch instead of hanging from the hook while bound by chains, which is definitely a good bonus.

Sitting on the couch, you looked out the window once more.

"Do you need anything?" You heard Shock ask from behind you. Since you've been here, the three troublemakers have warmed up to you a bit. They are a little kinder, though not by much.

I shook my head.

"Well call if you need anything! And stay put!" With that, she walked away.

Left alone for once, you looked over at Spiral Hill. You thought back to when you first arrived. You remembered when Zero saved you and led you here. You remembered when you first laid your eyes Jack. You remembered when you two became friends on the top of the hill. You remembered when you held hands as you walked into town.

'Jack.... I need Jack. I know I said I hated him, but his company and hospitality is so much better than Oogie's and the trio's, by far! I wonder what's happened to Jack.'

'Did he forget about me? Does he know where I am? Is he even looking?!'

Your eyes began to sting as you felt the warm tears start to slip from your dull, lifeless orbs. They had completely lost their color, much like your skin from the lack of sunlight.

No matter how hard you tried, you just couldn't accept the fact that you were stuck here. It's just too terrible and stressful, not to mention that your nightmares are starting to come back.

You're constantly worrying about them. You believe that, with the right amount of torture, you will begin to build a new fear on top of your old one to make one humongous, monstrous fear that, no doubt, would be impossible to cure. It was only a matter of time before Oogie completely broke you.

Now moving you gaze over to the woods across the chasm, you saw a strange reddish-orange glow. Curiously, you watched as it slowly moved about through the trees.

Eventually, you heard it give out a quick bark. You recognized the bark! It was Zero, Jack's ghost dog!

You watched as Zero floated out of the woods and looked out over the chasm. Instantly, you began to wave your hands, desperately trying to grab his attention. When that didn't work, you tapped your fingernails on the window's glass. This grabbed his attention, and he looked over at the house, eventually resting his eyes on the window in which you sat behind.

He barked with joy, flying over to the window. He barked again, but you put a finger on your lips as a sign for him to be silent. He eyed you as you mouthed, 'Help me! Go get Jack!'

He flashed his jack-o-lantern nose in response as he flew off into the sky. You smiled, tears now pouring down your cheeks, as you whispered,

'I'm saved.'

✔️Jack Skellington x Reader - AfraidWhere stories live. Discover now