I Need an Antidote

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Sally's P.O.V.

I shook the girl's hand, successfully hiding my disgust. The moment kept playing over and over in my mind, as if someone had set it on replay. All I could think about was the way Jack looked at (Y/N) when he kneeled and ruffled her hair. The way he talked to her sounded so loving and sweet....but it wasn't towards me.

Who does she think she is?! I mean, it's not like I would magically appear in her world and steal her boyfriend! But she just comes waltzing right in and begins to slowly rip Jack from my grasp! That little boyfriend stealer and her petty act.... Jack is mine! Not hers!

I watch as (Y/N) withdraws her hand, saying, "Jack, my feet hurt from walking. Can we go back to your place for a bit?"

Jack hummed in approval as he started to walk off, but I quickly grabbed his bony arm and asked, "Jack, may I speak with you in private?"

"Go on ahead, (Y/N). I'll be right with you." He said as the girl nodded and walked out of sight. "Now, what is it you wanted to speak about?"

"Do you like (Y/N)?" I asked.

"Of course! She's a wonderful friend! She's kind and gentle! She has so much potential-"

"No, I mean do you love her?"

He pondered a moment, rubbing his chin with a bony finger. I stood there in awkward silence for a while before he said, "Is it possible that I could fall in love with a human? Even so, she probably doesn't want anything to do with me....romantically, that is. But yes, I think. I guess you could say I love her!"

My fists clenched so tightly that they began shaking, but luckily Jack didn't notice. Does he not love me anymore?! That girl was poisoning his heart! "Okay Jack." I whispered. "I was just curious." He sent me a nod before he went on his way after that dirty, wretched girl. I needed to get rid of her, and I knew just the people to do it: Halloween Town's best trick-or-treaters.....

Oogie's Boys.


Jack's P.O.V.

I walked (Y/N) back to my house, my hand never leaving hers. When we got inside, she let go of my hand, leaving it strangely cold, as she went to the living room. I followed her, stopping at the doorway, as she sat on the couch.

"Do you need anything?" I asked.

"No thanks. I'm good." She replied with a smile.

I nodded. "If you need me, I'll be upstairs. Be sure to take the staircase on the left."

I reached the room of the wing that stretched out of my house and over the abyss below. Sitting in the chair at my desk, I put my head in my hands. "There's gotta be a way to help (Y/N), there just has to be! But this isn't any ordinary fear that I'm dealing with...."

I knocked my hand on my skull, saying to myself, "Think, Jack! Think!" I looked at my reflection in the window as I began to ponder.

"What am I to do? I can't possibly tell her that it was I on that night!" I sighed. "I'm supposed to scare people, to give them fears! Not try to cure them! Maybe that's why this is so difficult....."

Pushing my chair away from the desk, I let it aimlessly roll around the floor. I looked up at the ceiling, watching as the world spun around me. It stopped near my bookcase, so I decided to check for any books that may help.

I found books on the best ways to scare, Christmas stories, list of potions, but not a single one had anything to do with curing fears. I groaned in frustration. "There isn't a single book here that can help?!"

Taking a deep breath, I said, "I can't do this! I don't even know where to start, and I'm sure nobody in Halloween Town would either." Looking out the window once more, my gaze came to set on the sun that was setting behind Finklestein's Laboratory.

"Wait a second, the Doctor!" I shouted. "Maybe he can help (Y/N)! In fact, I know he can!" Looking at the bookshelf, I determined that he may want some of her background information. Grabbing my Book of Fears-which has the list of every single fear of every person in the world-I opened to (Y/N)'s name. Quickly checking over her fears, I saw that Christmas, Halloween, and the Skeleton Santa was written.

Slamming the book shut in disgrace, I grabbed some more books that defined certain fears and headed downstairs and out the front door.

Knocking on the door of the Doctor's lab, I heard him yell, "Enter!"

Upon entering, I called out. "Doctor?"

"Jack Skellington!" He said from above. I looked up to see him smile. "Come up! Come up!"

Rushing up the spiral ramp, I said, "I need to ask a favor of you."

"Anything for you, me boy! What is it that you request?"

'I need an antidote!"

✔️Jack Skellington x Reader - AfraidWhere stories live. Discover now