All His Fault

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You waited calmly as Jack ran throughout town, eventually arriving at the door to a large building. It was tall and slightly slanted and kinda resembled some sort of observatory.

Jack waltzed right into the place, leaving you puzzled as to why he didn't knock and simply imposed. He carried you up a spiral ramp to a large room. It was full of weird, eerie things like severed appendages and features in jars and bottles of colored liquids and skulls of all shapes and sizes. It seemed like a mix between a science lab, an insane asylum, and a downright creepy place.

"Doctor, she's here!" Jack called as he placed you on your feet.

"Wonderful!" A raspy voice called. You looked around, eventually resting your eyes on a weird-looking creature in a wheelchair. He had a metal cap on his head and he was wearing a white lab coat with black gloves and black goggles. "So, you must be (Y/N)!" He was very serious-looking as well.

"Y-Yes." You stuttered out of fear.

"Go sit on that table over there!" He pointed his gloved hand over to a glass table.

You cautiously walked over and sat on the edge of it. Jack stood next to you as you waited for the man to come over. He was currently positioned at his desk, a few open books and papers scattered all over it. Writing a few things down in a notepad, he wheeled over next to you on the side opposite of Jack.

"My name is Doctor Finklestein." He said. "I'm going to help cure your fear."

"Okay." You replied quietly as you lied down.

"So before the incident, your fears were (inserts some of your worst fears here), correct?"

You nodded.

"Just making sure." He said. "Now, could you fully describe the event as much as you can?" He prepared his writing utensil and notepad.

"I guess." You replied.

~Timeskip cuz I don't need to write it~

Doctor Finklestein finished writing the last of the details as he asked, "Now, could you please describe the skeleton Santa as best as you can?"

"Well, he was tall, maybe around 6 feet. He was wearing Santa's suit, but he was very thin, almost like a stick. His bony fingers were abnormally long and his round face had empty, black eye sockets and a smile that appeared to be made of stitches."

You were so busy watching Finklestein scribbling that you didn't notice how tense Jack had become due to the situation.

Finklestein showed you the picture upon its completion, asking, "Does this look like him?"

"Yes, exactly!" You snarled. "Jack, that's what he-" You looked at Jack and immediately regretted it. It was simple. Very clear, like music drifting in the air. (Get the reference?) You finally saw the big picture. The Christmas tree, the decorations, the lights in the living room. It all made sense. You had suspected it from the beginning.

"Jack...." You whispered. "W-Why? How could you do this to me? To my sibling?"

"(Y/N), let me explain!" He begged, but you ignored his pleas.

"You!" You yelled. "You ruined my life! You killed my sibling! This is all your fault!" You paused as he was about to speak before you cut him off once more. "Wait, you never even told me the truth! You never said anything! You've been lying to me this whole time, haven't you?!"

He nodded shamefully.

You scoffed as you got off the table, tears forming in your eyes and you shoved him out of your way and began to run off, yelling "I can't believe I was so blind as to believe you, you idiot!" With that, you slammed the door to the laboratory.


You ran for what seemed like hours before you finally stopped. You looked around to see yourself lost in the woods.

With a sigh, you sat down on a nearby stump and stared ahead blankly. He had been lying to you all this time. He never bothered to tell you. You should've never trusted him. Why did you ignore the feeling you had in your gut when you first met? You apparently missed all of the red flags.

"Are you okay, miss?" Someone, presumably male, asked.

You quickly looked around, trying to find the source of the voice. Then you heard a high-pitched giggle. "Looks like someone's afraid!" They sneered.

"But we haven't even started!" A raspy voice giggled.

You looked so hard but no matter how hard you looked, you couldn't see anyone. "Where are you?" You asked. "Show yourself!"

"What's the magic word?" They asked in unison.

"Please." You whispered.

"Behind you!" Someone poked your back, scaring you half to death as you turned around, only to see nobody there.

"Above you!" You quickly looked up to catch a glimpse of someone in pink with a green face jump down with a sack, stuffing you into darkness.

'This is all his fault.'

(2 parts in one night.... 😅)

✔️Jack Skellington x Reader - AfraidWhere stories live. Discover now