Nice to Meet You

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I'm brave.

"(Y/N), you were outstanding!" Jack cheered, pulling me into a bone-crushing hug as the curtain closed.

"Thanks for making me do this. I feel much better!" You responded.

"I'm so glad that I was able to help you." He smiled softly, which you returned with a bigger, brighter one. "Now that you feel more comfortable, would you like a tour of the town?"

"I'd actually like to just wander around for now, if you don't mind."

"That's fine with me! If you need anything, anything at all, just find me."

You replied with a nod of your head as you walked out of the Town Hall doors.

I'm protected.

Skipping down the steps, you began to wander aimlessly throughout Halloween Town. Along the way, you became acquainted with some of the townsfolk. You met with the Mayor, whose two-faced head you found amusing. You met the witches, who were about as tricky as they come. You met Corpse Kid, who was probably the most rambunctious of the Halloweenies. And all along the way, a smile was plastered on your face. A genuine smile.

I'm accepted.

You came across three men playing a song with their instruments. It sounded a little dark and gloomy, but it sounded good. You sat on a brick wall and listened to them play their music.

Every once in a while, you would see a small monster or two that would be running around trying to scare unsuspecting townspeople. It made you smile to see that the residents of Halloween Town are able to find so much joy out of scaring others. Everyone got along in their own special ways even they are completely different from each other.

When the musicians finished their song, you clapped. You frowned as you said, "I wish I had money on me. I'm sorry. But your song sounded amazing!"

"It's fine. We're just glad you liked it!" One smiled, revealing a mouth only half-filled with teeth.

"I'll be sure to come back. But from now on, with some spare cash." You sent a wave as you went on your way.

I'm beginning to feel something I haven't felt for years. Something warm. Something pleasant.

Eventually, you became bored and walked back to Town Square. Upon arriving, you saw Jack talking to a girl. She was beautiful. Her skin was a pretty light blue color that was covered in stitches and she had long, red hair. She was wearing a ragged dress of many colorful patches that were all stitched together with a pair of black heeled boots.

You walked up to them, clasping your hands behind your back as you smiled. "Hey Jack!"

"(Y/N)! There you are!" He smiled. "I want you to meet a friend of mine!" He gestured to the woman.

She gave a warm smile and a small wave, saying, "I'm Sally, Jack's girlfriend."

I'm going to do whatever I can to forget my past. And I have amazing friends to guide me.

"She's going to help me find a way to cure your fears." said Jack. He kneeled down and put his hands on your shoulders, staring into your beautiful (E/C) eyes. "And I promise, (Y/N). I will do whatever it takes to help you feel better."

You smiled at that, whispering, "Thanks for all your help, Jack."

He ruffed your hair a bit with a chuckle as he stood up.

It's time for me to open up. It's time for me to start anew. It's time for a newer, better, happier me.

I looked at Sally with a smile as I held out my hand. She grabbed it gently and we shook hands as I said,

'I'm (Y/N). Nice to meet you.'

(I've got some major writer's block here....😓)

✔️Jack Skellington x Reader - AfraidWhere stories live. Discover now