The Very Beginning

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You walked into this 'Halloween Town' place with the man named Jack. You took notice of his silence, but chose not to question it. Apparently, he was very distraught about what had happened to you, even though you don't remember a single thing. You figured it was best to leave him alone for a bit, especially since you've forgotten what trust you apparently used to have for him.

Along the way, many creatures came up to you, smiling and waving, but you had no idea who they were. How do they know you? Did you know them before? Either way, you sat in silence as Jack flatly answered with the same thing each time, "She has lost her memory in an accident." You guys would then leave without another word.

You felt bad. Very bad. It was extremely unnerving and excruciating. Why, just thinking about why you felt this way was difficult. You used to know all of these people. You used to have a whole life-long series of events and memories tucked away in your mind. And now you barely know anything more than your name, where you were, and a few people that you had once known, but long forgotten.

And this man....Jack. He claimed that you had been a very close friend, even though for a short time. You guys had apparently had a lot of fun together, and he was with you almost all day, everyday. And since you lost your memory, you had no idea of who he was, and you could tell it was breaking him. You didn't mean to cause him this much suffering and misery. You hated seeing him this way, and it troubled you that there was nothing you could do. You were so freaking pathetic.

Eventually, you reached a decent-sized building that hung over an abyss. The only thing connecting it to land was a flight of wavy, uneven stairs. Jack pushed open the gate and began to ascend, with you following close behind. You followed him as he opened the door and went into a small room.

You looked in admiration at the bright, colorful things that were strung about, but you had no idea what they were, let alone anything else that was in the room. Sitting on a soft thing next to Jack, you looked at him with a smile. It grew even bigger when you saw a slight smile begin to form on his face.

"Jack, what happened to me?" You asked him.

"You were dropped into a potion that erases one's memory." He answered.

"On accident?"

"On purpose." You took note of the harshness of Jack's low voice.


"I honestly don't fully understand, (Y/N)." He admitted.

You nodded as you looked around to see a white thing with a shape in it. "What's that?" You asked, pointing to the strange, new object.

"Ah, that's a snowflake!" Jack smiled as he picked it up. "Although, it's not supposed to look like this."

"Then what is it supposed to look like?"

"There are no real patterns or shape to them. They all look different." He said. "But they aren't supposed to have the shapes of spiders in them...."

"A spider?"

"They are creatures that come in many sizes and colors. Many people find them creepy or scary, which is why there are hundreds scurrying about in Halloween Town."

You nodded with a slight hum as silence fell again. You looked at Jack as he looked at you. This continued for a while before he turned away and you heard him mumble something, but you weren't sure what.

"What was that?" You asked.

"Nothing, (Y/N)." He replied. "I'm just trying to think of a way to get your memory back."

"Is there a potion-thing for that too?"

"Y'know, there just might be!" He beamed as he lightly grabbed your hand and pulled you out the door. He took you across town to a tall, weirdly-shaped building. Knocking on the door, he led you in when you heard someone yell, "Enter!"

"Doctor!" Jack yelled as he pulled you up a spiral ramp. "I need some assistance!"

"With what, my boy?" The doctor responded when you reached the top. You smiled at how small he was in his little sitting-thingy.

"I need to know if a certain potion has an antidote!"

"That depends. What kind was it?"

"It was a memory-eraser."

"Hm..." The doctor opened a lid on his head and scratched his brain. "I don't believe there are antidotes for those..."

You watched as Jack's smile fell and was instantly replaced with a frown.

"The only resolution I've ever heard of was to try to spark the victim's memory by presenting items of great importance."

"But (Y/N) never gave me or told me anything like that!" Jack groaned as he asked, "Doctor, what are we supposed to do?!"

"Calm down, boy!" The doctor snapped. "I'm sure we know something!"

"We could ask anyone that I've talked with a lot here." You suggested.

"(Y/N), that's brilliant!" Jack cheered, causing you to giggle as he rolled his 'r'.

'We'll start at the very beginning!'

✔️Jack Skellington x Reader - AfraidWhere stories live. Discover now