Chapter 2

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She grew to be a beautiful woman. Laura was stunning as a little girl too, I remember really well, but now, it's as if she has entered a completely new term of pretty.

After a few moments of staring at her beauty, I had to look away so I wouldn't embarrass myself. Or worse. Lydia could have seen me and the next thing happening is her chopping off my balls. And I want my balls where they are right now.

"I'm serious. She's very.. spicy. ", he rolls his eyes.

"Spicy?", I laugh. "You couldn't think of anything better? "

"You know what I meant.", Colton huffs. "I want her to have a nice time with all my heart but I didn't even know she was coming. Plus, I'd like it if all my other guests had a great time without her making them wish they haven't come. That's why I want her away from everyone. I just know she will end up shagging someone in the bathroom or her hotel room. "

"She can't be.. But she was so cute and quiet when we were little, always reading those books of hers. What in the world happened? "

Quietness occurs between us.

"Isn't Lydia the jealous type? ", Colton's eyes meet mines. I shrug.

"I don't think so.. I have no idea. She was never tested in that way. I always kept the line between me and other women."

"Would you want to test her? You know, just in case. If a woman isn't jealous, she's not truly in love. They say love is pure without any ill feelings but if you ask me, love's poison. It's everything but pure. ", my buddy takes a sip of his wine.

"I'm not really sure it's the poison, you know? I've never looked at it from your perspective."

"Well maybe you need to start seeing it that way. Have you ever been truly in love? "

"You mean all the girls that were with me because of the money while having a secret boyfriend?", I let out a brief laugh. "I wouldn't exactly call that a proper relationship, you know."

"Being rich is a curse. But what about Naomi?", he brings her up to my surprise.

My mood immediately lowers the instant he speaks her name. I wish to never recall that girl again. She only brings bad memories. I shake my head no, knowing the real truth.

He shakes his head and gets off the topic."Do you think Lydia loves you?"

"I don't know. She never told me she does. Neither have I shared my feelings with her. She's witty, smart, good in bed and all that but.. ", I hesitate.

"But what?"

"I'm not really sure if she's the right one. ", I say in a low voice, praying that the words haven't traveled to my girlfriend's ears. "I feel like I still haven't opened up to any woman's heart, after all this time."

"I knew Kate and I were a real match after a month or two of relationship. It just felt different with her."

"Different how? "

Colton looks at me with a hint of amusement in his eyes."You don't want me to go on and on about that. It's gonna be pathetic."

"You are right. ", I smile.

"It just clicks when the right one comes, that small switch you don't even know you have in your head."

My eyes wander to the tattooed girl holding a small flower in her hand. She takes her phone out of her purse and types for a few seconds before putting it back in. My gaze falls on her drawn skin and the way tattoos somehow fit her. That red lipstick gives away an impression of power and independence. Her chest and chin is up high, back straight and shoulders in no way slumped. She's mind blowing. She's fire.

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