Chapter 11

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Some time after midnight

"I think this isn't what I'm looking for. I'm going to leave. ", my drunk voice betrays me as it lowers with emotion.

The guy stares at me in disbelief. I don't even remember his name.

"You lure me in and then you don't want it?", he pushes his jeans up his legs.

I shrug and put my shirt back on.

"I'm not feeling it. "

He rolls his eyes and I can tell he's holding back from hitting me. I deserved it honestly. We were almost fully naked when I pushed him away. I just couldn't continue. He was gross to me. Kissing him felt like licking garbage.

What in the world is happening to me?

The guy walks out of the bathroom and I lean my hands on the sink, staring at the relfection in the mirror. I can't quite recognize myself. My cheeks are burning and eyes are mute, not giving away any kind of thought. I'm not thinking anything. I just have this disappointment in me, trying to break me down.

I was made for loving you, baby.. the lyrics echo through my head.

Am I made for loving anyone? What in the world is going to happen to me? Am I going to end up alone with dozens of cats in a small apartment, only liquor surrounding me? That's the future I saw myself in a month or two ago but now..

I kind of have hope for myself.

Where did it come from?

I push through the crowd of sweaty people, trying to get back to my friends. They are still scattered across the same couch and Anna, Jasper, Lexi and Ethan are now there.

I don't see Ross, or his ex there. My heart is beating fast and it feels like something is pressuring it from above.

"I need tequila. ", I tell Anna and she shots up to get it for me.

My butt sinks into the leather couch and I stare at my hands.

"What's wrong, Laurie? How was it?", Kate's eyes are wide as she questions me about my sex life.

I roll my eyes. But then it's as if a devil has taken over my speaking ability.

"It was great. The best sex I've had in a while.", I give her a smirk as I lie.

Kate's face drops for a second but she gives me a brief smile. "Aw. I thought you wouldn't really do it because... Oh well.. life goes on. "

"So you had sex with whom?", Anna asks as she gives me my cup. I drink.

"Aiden Parker. ", I recall and tell them the name of the guy I almost slept with upstairs.

"Really?", Colton stares at me. "Woah. You got the third hottest guy in campus. "

Kate looks at him horrified. "You stare at guys and decide whether they're hot or not?"

"Chill. No. It's just obvious that he can't be the first one. "

"Why?", Kate wonders.

"Because you married the first. ", he winks at her.

Kate just rolls her eyes and turns to me. "Egocentric jerk. "

"You have no rights to speak, you married him. ", I shrug and Colton laughs. His wife pouts and makes a cute angry face.

"But who's the second one then?", Kate asks him what we missed.

Colton makes a face as if it were even more obvious than the previous. "Um, my all time best friend, Ross?"

"Are you guys up for a game?", Jasper asks us.

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