Chapter 24

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With two sentences I manage to convince Ross to go back to the campus.

"If you don't go back, what are you gonna do about Lydia? Do you really wanna breakup with her while lying on a hospital bed?"

That got him getting over his wish to not go back and he gave in. All of us helped Ross and Colton walk to two different cars. Jasper drove Anna, Colton and Kate and Ross and I got in the car with Ethan who was driving and Lexi in the passenger's seat.

"What was that all about?", I whisper to Ross who is just leaning on the window.

Straight head, he ignores me and keeps looking at the buildings we are passing by.

I huff and glare at him, turning to my side of the car.

"Fine, act like a jerk. "

He doesn't speak but pulls out his phone and just texts someone. I assume it's Lydia and even though the plan is to breakup with her, I still feel disappointed and sad that he even tries to make contact with her.

Strong sensation awakens in my chest along with that stupid unexplainable sadness and I turn my head to my own window. I don't want neither of them to see my red face as I try not to cry for no fucking reason. I hate crushing on him, it annoys me.

"Ugh!", I suddenly let out a frustrated sigh. Three of them glance at me for a second.

"What's wrong?", Lexi asks me and keeps her look on my face.

I shake my head. "Nothing. I'm just tired. "

When we arrive at campus, first thing I do is get out of the car and start walking away.

"Hey! Where are you going?", Ethan speaks after me.

"To take a walk. You guys get Ross to his room. ", I tell them.

I turn the corner behind the building and breathe out from the bottom of my lungs. Lighting up a cigarette, I lean against the wall and just breathe in the scent.

"Stupid Ross. ", I say loudly and groan in frustration.

What did I expect from him anyway? He kisses me, then breaks up with the bitch and then what? Two of us in a what, relationship? Yeah right. I smile at my own stupidity.

He obviously didn't give any thought to it at all. This is what I get after everything, I deserve it. I stepped on the pride of so many guys wanting something serious with me and the first time I think of changing my way with the guys, of course the one I like ignores me.

How pitiful. Maybe he won't even break up with her and I'll be left hanging and always expecting something when in reality, nothing ever happens.

My phone beeps and I take it out of my pocket.

New text message.

Ross: don't go too far, we have to talk

I become excited but I keep it in as I text him back.

Laura: what about

Ross: about last night and something else

Laura: what else

Ross: just wait til I call you

I roll my eyes because I hate anticipation.

Go to hell with your mysteriousness, Ross.

I see a bench a few meters away from me and sit down on it. My eyes wander around the space around me as I smoke the cigarette. They feel really heavy.

I am drowsy. I need sleep. My vision blurs for a second and I rub my eyelids.

Minutes later I notice the familiar red hair in the distance hurrying over to the entrance. My eyes are heavy and I give up on trying to keep them open. Leaning back on the bench, I make a promise that I'll close them only for a minute but what a lie that was.

Cigarette drops to the grass and myself wanders into the dreamland.

Ross'  POV

I told Ethan to find something to do when we arrived at the dorm because I was expecting Lydia to come and he left. I didn't want to start asking about hookup with Laura because my head was hurting and I really didn't want to listen about it at the moment. I'd talk to Laura about that later, I told her that in my text messages and haven't heard from her since that.

Lydia came to my dorm room and she just stared at me in disbelief. I felt bad but I really had to tell her there was no more chemistry between us. Because Laura knows it and I know it, she told me. I listen to her because she rarely gives advice but when she does it, she knows how to do it. Whatever you feel at any moment in your life, just accept it and live with it. I shouldn't step over my feelings just because I think they aren't right because the truth is, there really isn't such thing as right and wrong. It's all about perspective. If I don't feel good doing one thing, why should I belittle myself and keep doing it?

It doesn't make any sense.

Lydia yelled and cursed the hell out of me and I just kept sitting on my bed, accepting every insult. I let her let it out and get that done with. We weren't gonna hear from each other since then anyway. When she started bringing up Laura that's when I cut her and silenced her. I don't want to hear her insult Laura. That's just not right.

"I knew it. ", she spat in the moment she was leaving, refering to Laura and I.

I haven't exactly told her about last night. Hell I don't even remember it quite well but she will live without that information anyway. It isn't even important.

After Lydia left, I tried to phone Laura for two whole hours and I wouldn't get one response from her.

Is she mad at me? What am I gonna do about that girl? She's driving me nuts with her little surprises every day. Now I can't even reach her and I need to speak to her.

God, I broke up with Lydia. I feel so free. Only if my head hurt less and if I didn't feel this weak.

I decide to text Anna after those two hours because I just can't wait anymore.

Ross: is Laura back at the dorm?

Minute later, my phone is ringing and I see Anna's name across the screen.

"Hello?", I say when I pick up.

"What do you mean if she's back at the dorm room?!", Anna yells through the speaker and I just have to distance the phone from my ear. "I thought she was with you this whole time since I couldn't reach her!"

"Well, she's not. She told us she wanted to take a walk around campus and hasn't come back ever since. It's been three hours since she left and two hours since I've been trying to reach her. ", I complain.

"That idiot. ", Anna breathes. "Let's go look for her. "

"I think I'll throw up if I stand up. I feel like shit. My head and stomach still hurt like hell. ", I tell her.

"Then I'll look for her alone. "

"If you find her, text me immediately. ", I demand and Anna says she'll do it.

I hang up and rub my forehead, lying back on my bed. "That stupid girl. "


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