Chapter 43

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On these shaky feet, I walk through the crowd. My hair seems to have dried up from Colton's little splash from an hour ago but then some stupid girl spills her beer on my shirt while I'm trying to break through. I curse her out and she turns to look at me and gives me a bright smile, saying I'm cute. What the..?

"Go to hell. ", I mutter as I hold my stomach and squeeze in between two people making out since I found no other way to push through the crowd.

They push me upwards and I stumble up to the door. I open the door and look back, finding worried Jasper hurrying after me.

"Ross!", he yells and walks past his guests way easier than I did.

I grunt and lick my lips which feel so dry in this moment. The taste of vomit is still fresh in my mouth.

"I need to help Laura. ", I mumble.


"She's sick. I don't know. ", I close my eyes.

"You can't go alone. I'll drive you. ", he offers and looks through his pockets, searching for car keys I assume.

"What about your party?", I slur. "And Rosie?"

He raises a brow at me when I call her Rosie and nods his head twice, approving it. "Who gives a fuck? The most important people seem to have scattered outside anyway. Well, besides Kate and Ethan. Anna and Lexi still haven't come back, Colton just left and Kate is back on the couch doing shots because they had a fight. Laura wasn't here from the beginning and now you are leaving. I'll go get Rosalyn and we can go. "

I nod, saving my voice for more important moments since my energy is draining. While waiting for him by the door, the space spins around me several times. I decide to walk out of the apartment and wait in the hall. I immediately feel better not smelling all those alcoholic, sweaty people and sit on the stairs.

A short while later, he's out with his niece in his arms. She's looking at me worried all the way down to his car. I focus on my breaths, one by one, living from one intake to the other.

Later when we arrive at campus and rush up to Laura's dorm room, I feel cold sweat taking me over. We knock at the door but there's no sound on the inside.

I give Jasper a reassuring look. "I'll walk in alone. I don't know how I'm going to find her. You stay here with her. "

He gives me a brief nod and steps away with Rosie, giving me space. She's half asleep on his shoulder, very tired from all the events I assume.

I grab for the doorknob and push. The door easily opens and I find no one inside.

"What?", I whisper to myself.

Laura is not here.

I walk further into the room and take a look around. Her bed is messy and there's an open book on it. My eyes scan across the space searching for any kind of sign. I find that her coat is gone as well as her boots. Laura's pj's are on the floor and when I take a closer look, I find a box of pills on the floor. Fear shoots through me right away and I grab the pills and put them in my pocket.

Is this how she acts when I'm not around? Does she expect that every time she gets high on the unnecessary medicine I'm going to be here to slap her and carry her to the showers to wake her up? Why can't she take care of herself? What am I supposed to do?

I angrily pace back to the door, now feeling slightly better and aware of the fact that Laura isn't okay and I don't know where she is. What was she thinking?

She promised she'd be here because her foot is hurting and she goes out just like that.

"What's up?", Jasper asks me.

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