Chapter 31

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Laura's POV

Later that day, we were all still chilling at my and Anna's dorm room except for Ethan. Lexi never wanted to go back to her room since she doesn't really like her roommate but needs company tonight.

It's understandable even though I wouldn't do it like that. She needs someone so she wouldn't be alone after her heartbreak. I would totally do the opposite, chasing everyone away so I could be by myself and deal with it in my own way.

Currently, Jasper is talking about his sister to Anna and Ross and I are barely listening, trapped in our own world of bickering.

"You need to chill. ", I tell him.

"I can't. I'm hungry. "

"You are literally like a child. Can't you hold back your instincts for once and not speak about them all the time?", I groan and he grabs my wrist, not letting me move.

"Well, why would I hold them back? They're completely natural. Like the other one that's now turning up. ", he stares at my mouth.

I'm shook but I turn him down. "Because you have company. Hey, have you talked to Ethan, I haven't asked you?", I whisper the last sentence.

Ross shakes his head. "I haven't hung out with him at my dorm for almost two days. Part of the reasons I slept at my mom's is that I don't really want to see him after everything. "

And the other part?

"You promised to talk to him. ", I remind him.

Blondie shakes his head and leans farther back into my pillow, pulling me down with him. Our eyes meet and my heart trembles from the view of deep hazel.

"I will. Tonight. I'll sleep in my room tonight. "

"Good. ", without thinking, I reach out and run a hand through his messy blonde hair.

Surprise on Ross' face mirrors mines when my brain catches up to what I'm doing. My hands slightly shake and I pull them back.

"That felt nice. ", Ross whispers.

I feel Lexi's eyes on us from the lower part of the bed and turn mines to see if I was right. She was watching us and gave me a big smirk and a wink. My cheeks heat up and she gives me thumbs up. 

My gaze finally meets Ross' again and he seems exhausted and beaten for today. His lids are halfway down and he's staring at me with anticipation. Like a little puppy waiting for a treat.

I can't turn down puppies.

My hand goes back to caressing his hair slowly and he gives me the biggest, goofiest smile I've received. I roll my eyes but return his smile.

"She had a hard time getting in, considering her grades and all but she studied hard. ", Jasper continues explaining the life story of a girl we've never met.

"Why did she suddenly decide to transfer? Didn't she always live in New York and went to another college?", Lexi questions.

"Well, technically yes. She spent some time back in Boston during her therapies. We have grandparents there so she was staying with them for a while. But that was long time ago. She came back to New York about three or four years ago and started college after everything. I entered hers as well but two or so months ago, she just came home with the idea of transferring to NYU. I asked why and she just kept rambling about different things. She said that she liked that college most, but I feel like there's more to it. Oh, well."

"What more do you think there is?", Anna asks Jasper who just shrugs.

"Beats me. She's weird, really. She had a hard past and it's left consequences. "

My attention is now on Jasper as I caress Ross' blonde locks. Ross' eyes are closed and I assume he's almost asleep by now. He's such a heavy sleeper, unlike me.

"What kind of past?", I question, assuming it's something similar to mine.

"I'd rather not talk about it..", Jasper says quietly.

"I understand. ", I say after a few moments of silence. I don't like talking about my past either. Maybe she doesn't want him to go around telling everyone.

"Will you let us meet her sometimes?", Anna asks.

"Well, sure. ", Jasper hesitates.

I chuckle at his hesitation and Anna's persuasion. "You must really not like introducing your sister to other people. "

"It's not like that. It's just that people tend to have this reaction when they see her for the first time. She's not your typical-looking person. "

"Why? ", Anna wonders.

"I'll just say weight is not her best quality.. ", Jasper says and I take a few moments to process his words.

"Why? Is she too fat or what?", I turn my head to look at Jasper who's across the room, on Anna's bed.

Ross is now definitely asleep but I keep running my hand through his hair.

"No. It's the opposite. She's too thin that it surprises people.. just please don't make any kind of twisted faces when you see her. It hurts her. ", he explains.

"We're not that unkind, Jas. ", Lexi tells him and he nods.

I stare at the heavy rain that's falling outside the window and the terrace glass door. It calms me and makes me sleepy. No wonder the blondie has fallen so soon. I smile as I gaze back at his half open lips.

I don't know when I'll be ready to come out and say the truth about us, but I'll try to make it as soon as possible. For you.

My attention is back on Jasper again and I play with my fingers in my lap.

Anna asks another question. "What's her name?"

Jas fiddles with Anna's blonde hair as he answers.

"Naomi. "

That was just a name that didn't mean a thing to me, but that could change soon.



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