Chapter 49

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'I know you got away' by R5 suits the story so well, as well as this chapter. It's just giving away the vibe this story holds in my head. The video fits with it very well.

Also, 'Preacher Man' resembles it too!


Later that night, 11:30

"And that idiot Ross, what does he think that I am? Stupid? ", I take a sip of my third glass of rum cocktail. "That little girl is Jasper's niece, which means she's the daughter of his sister who is by the way two years older than Ross and I, just as Ross' ex girlfriend is older than him as he told me. Also she's a junkie obviously with that flat figure and I've seen her sticking a needle in her arm at the cemetery, and Ross' ex was also a junkie, then he arrives and seems totally startled by her presence. They looked like they knew each other and also, Jasper's sister moved here from Boston and Ross had a girlfriend back there. It all fits in. Later he tells me he doesn't want me to end up like her, which means he knows her, right? Her name is also Naomi just like Ross' ex. The stories fit with each other so well, it can't be a coincidence. Which means.."

You'd think a guy who knows nothing about my life story would be bored to listen to my drunken ramble about my boyfriend's ex but he isn't. Xander looks entertained and completely amused for some reason. I have to admit that I'm a little intimidated. He has these mysterious, hazel eyes as if they can look right through you. They remind me of Ross'. I miss Ross..

I continue my story. "Jasper's sister must be the Naomi from Ross' past. And she has a four years old kid. Why wouldn't he let me know? He thinks that I won't figure it out? He of all people should know the crazy me that pays attention to every little detail and makes up theories of everything, that mostly turn out to be true. And we never had secrets between us, so why? So what if she's here? I don't give a fuck about her because I know he'd never cheat. "

"Naomi has a kid?", the person before me seems startled for a while. I briefly nod, confused by his distracted face. The blondie quickly shivers off the uncomfortable feeling and continues speaking in his usual tone.

"What if he's hiding the fact that she's here because he actually is cheating?", the guy asks me, obviously teasing for the fun of it.

My hand runs towards him as if it's a reflex and fist smacks him hard in the chest. "No, he isn't. Shut up, you know nothing. "

"Well, actually.. I know everything now that you've told me your whole life story. "

"Stop messing with me. I'm serious. I've tried to hide the fact that I'm annoyed with him because of it and I think I'm doing well for now, but how much longer will I be able to hide it? I wanna know what's going on. "

"I don't know how I can help you. ", Xander takes a sip of his drink. 

I watch him intensively, as if trying to read through. It's impossible for some reason even though I can always read through people. If he wanted to fuck me, he'd show it by now. It's been two and a half hours talking with him and he hasn't made a single move, touched or got any closer to me, he didn't even stare at my cleavage but kept his eyes on mine. So if he isn't here to try get in my pants, what exactly does he want? Did he have a purpose coming here? Did he know I'd be here and met me on purpose, or was it just a coincidence? I'm confused. And he only saw me now, after all those years; he's paying full attention to what I'm saying. As if he's interested in the story about Ross and Naomi. 

"Your name is shitty. I mean, Xander Strauss. Who the hell has a name like that? If I was you, I'd dig up a hole and bury myself in it. Also, I wouldn't write my name on the grave for people to see. Just leave it empty. ", honesty speaks from me.

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