Chapter 52

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Laura answers her phone after the third ring and all the negative emotions inside me blow up in her direction.

"Where are you?", I ask.

"I'm off the wagon. ", she speaks with drained but high pitched voice. "Although, I don't remember being on a train.."

Off The Wagon. I know that place. I passed it by before I went to my mom's. She's right behind the corner.

Laura slurred the words with a weird voice which gets me quite worried. I hold none of the sensitive, gentle feelings inside as I speed up into the crossroad. My concern is building up from everything and everyone and I can't even seem to control my own hands as I twirl the steering wheel harshly, let alone control my damned mind. Naomi was something I didn't need at the moment, yet, I get the sudden meeting with her drugged self telling me how her and my brother have a four year old kid.

"Bullshit. ", I repeat to myself as I leave her behind and turn at the corner.

"Ross?", my girlfriend reminds me that I'm on the phone with her.


"Can you come inside? I have a problem with the bill..", Laura talks like a baby on the other line, using her pleading voice.

"I'm coming. ", I let her know and hang up.

My head is killing me along with my chest that is burning from the overwhelming feels. I'm stuck in this position between common sense and the memory of Naomi telling me about Hunter, Rosalyn, the past, screaming, begging, crying..

When I park the car in front of the bar where I intended to, I take my ID from the pocket and rush towards the entrance. There's a guard in front of the door to whom I give my card. When he's done checking, he lets me pass.

The first thing I see after getting inside the sooner I could is Laura leaning on the counter. Her face is low, examining an empty glass in her hand. I walk down the brown rug spread out on the floor and get to her.

"Hey. ", she greets me, not looking at me.

"Don't you hey me! Is this where you spend Christmas?"

Laura only stares at me, not saying a word. Her expression is left unread, emotions in her unreachable.

"I didn't. I was just passing by and decided to stop for a drink. ", Laura reassures me while quaking on her chair. It's too high for her to put feet on the ground.

"What's the problem?", I rush her. "Solve it so we can leave this place. "

"I don't have enough money to pay.. ", the familiar pair of brown eyes looks down in embarrassment.

I stare at her in disbelief. Just how much exactly did she drink?

I notice a small piece of paper on the wooden bar with the corner of my eye and I grab it. While reading from it, my headache returns in a better shape.

"Ten Appleton Specials?", I breathe and slam the paper back at the counter. "You drank this much?"

She visibly shakes before me. "Yeah.."

Bartender is walking up to us holding a menu book. Once he's in front of me, he gives me a light smile trying to be polite.

"Would you want something to drink?", the guy asks and I shake my head.

"Can we get the bill, please?", I ask him with a demanding look.

"Alright. ", he turns to Laura who only now grants him knowledge of his presence. "Since the other gentleman left, I suppose everything is on you?"

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