Chapter 4

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I turn to him half amused. He has the true apologetic face.

"Mr. Lynch. As a matter of fact, I can tell you that I am always offended. ", I play with my empty glass and lean it against my lips, swallowing the last drop left. Then I put it back on its previous place and meet his eyes again. He visibly stirs. "Do you know why I'm always offended? "

"I really don't. You suddenly disappeared on me, not leaving a trace behind. I almost know nothing about you now. "

My fingers caress the glass with my drink tenderly as I speak. "I figured Colton has spoken to you about my state since he says he shares everything with his best friend. "

"He told me about your mother just before the wedding ceremony. "

My eyes darken. "Just now? I thought he would do it years ago. Hm. What did he tell you?"

"That she passed away. I'm so.."

"Please don't. ", I am shaken with the familiar feeling of being pitied. "Don't say that you're sorry just because you think I expect that of you. And unfortunately, she didn't just pass away. She was killed."

Ross' eyes go wide in shock and I tap my nails against the glass. He stands there quietly, not knowing what to say.

"I.. I'm sorry for getting into that topic. I didn't mean to pry. You don't have to talk about it. ", he looks away.

He didn't mean to pry? Then what's he doing right now? Anyhow, I let him know the generalized plot of my life because he somehow deserved it, due to our past that we shared. Not that I plan on being friends with him again; I'm not really fond of creating new relationships. It's tiring.

"Why are you sorry? You shouldn't care even if you did pry. Why would you even care if I respect you as a person or not? Why would anybody care what anyone else thinks? It's an unnecessary pressure. "

"I care because I don't like being rude. Mainly because I feel comfortable only when the atmosphere is easy and chill. "

"Walk through misery makes you realize that being rude is actually more comforting. You don't owe it to anyone to treat them rightfully. "

"That's true..and deep. You can think through things, though a little rude. ", he teases me a bit.

"Rude doesn't mean stupid. But blonde obviously does. ", I shake my head. "That's why I'm always offended. You see, people are so full of prejudice and I already know that they are gonna judge even before they speak their damn minds. That's why I don't just interact with everyone. "

"I was just teasing you. So.. You sit here alone at the wedding?", Ross raises a brow.

"I'm not alone. I've got my drinks, I've got my food and Wi-Fi connection is okay.. Still waiting for that cake though.."

He laughs and shakes his head. "Wow. Does Colton know you're here for the dessert?"

"Of course he does. "

In that moment, the waiter comes back with our vodka. I take a sip and nod my head yes.

"This stuff is good. ", Ross notices when he drinks.

"Mhm. Now I guess you won't be surprised when I say that I like this vodka more than most of the people at this wedding. "

He chuckles. "I agree with you on that one. Do you happen to know what kind of cake they have?"

"I think chocolate with hazelnut crumbs and vanilla frosting. I overheard Colton and Kate's conversation. "

"How big?"

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