~Joey's POV~
I walk out of homeroom and I walk to Daniel's homeroom. I'm so glad he isn't the guy I thought he would turn out to be. I thought he would be one of sawyers crew. Sawyer has a way of getting into innocent people's brains, and making them rot, and Daniel is one of the first to escape. His homeroom door swings open and he comes storming out, running into me. I let out an "oomph" and he stumbles on me. "Oh my god I'm so sorry!" He exclaims. "It's fine" I say, and we walk off to our lockers.The last bell rings, and I head to my locker to find Daniel already packed and is waiting for me. "Someones early" I laugh and he smiles. "Someone's late" he giggles as I unlock my small locker. I quickly pack my bag and I shut my locker. We begin to slowly walk, taking short cuts to avoid Sawyer. "Hey, I wanted to know, since it's Friday, if you maybe wanted to come to a restaurant with me tonight for dinner?" He asks me. I get all tingly inside. "Sure! I'd love too! What time should I be ready?" I ask. "I'll pick you up around 7?" "Sounds good!"
I arrive at my house and I run upstairs. I shut my door and I get a text.
C- hey, me and the guys are going bowling tonight, wanna come?
J- um, is it ok if I maybe meet you half way? And possibly bring a guest?
C- someone's got a daaaatteeeee! Who is it?
J- well it's not really a date, at least he didn't say it was.
C- is it Daniel!?
J- maybe
C- ommmmgggggggg
J- hehe
J- k, I gotta go get ready.
C- kk see you at the bowling alley
I shut off my phone and I get ready and suddenly I get another text.
D- you ready?
I look at the time. 6:50. Holy shit time flies. I quickly put on a cute top and some jeans. I know. Very romantic. I slip on a sweatshirt and I rush downstairs. I quickly open the door and realize Daniel is waiting there. I quickly stop. "Sorry I'm running late." I smile and we walk to his car.
We arrive at the restaurant and I find it's very fancy. Great. Of course I wanna be here with him, but he looks so nice and I look like I could care less. "Don't worry, you're not the only one here who looks trashy." Daniel says as if he was reading my mind. He points to a man in sweatpants and a baggy sweatshirt. I laugh and we walk in. The place was lit up by candles and chandeliers, and fancy tables. I gasp in amazement. "Hi, do you guys have a reservation?" The waitress in front asks us. "Yes, under Daniel Preda." He smiles at the waiter as she checks the reservations. "Ok! Follow me!" We follow the waitress to a candle lit table. We thank the waitress and we sit down. "Daniel, this is absolutely amazing!" I gasp in amazement and he smiles. "The best for the best!" He smiles and I blush. "Look, Joey, we've been hanging out for quite a while and I think you're Ana amazing guy. I'm just gonna go straight to the point, because if I sat here and listed every thing about you if be here forever. Do you wanna go out with me and be my boyfriend?" He Asks and I sit there in shock. Daniel Preda, my crush since the beginning of the year, finally asked me out. "Yes!"

Opposites Attract {Janiel}
Fanfiction"what did you think when you first saw me?" "i was in love"