~Joey's POV~
I hear a car pull into the driveway. "Danny!" I squeal and Wolf barks a little puppy bark. Daniel opens the door a crack. "Make sure your eyes are CLOSED!" he mumbles through the door. I giggle and I cover my eyes. I hear shuffling and a bunch of bags, and I hear foot steps going up the stairs. A couple seconds after that I hear Daniel yell from upstairs. "Okay you can open your eyes now!". I open my eyes to see nothing in front of me. I see him walking down the stairs. "Where's my surprise?' I whimper. "Guess you'll have to wait till Christmas!" He smirks.
I wake up in my bed, confused on how I got here. I check the time. 5 PM. I must've took a nap. I smell Daniel cooking dinner. I pounce out of bed and sleepily walk down the stairs. I see Daniel near the over, stirring something in the pot. He turns around as I get a glass of water. "Hello sleepy boy" He says, smiling, and he places a kiss on my cheek. "Hello." I reply, sleepily, and I return the kiss. "Want some dinner?" Daniel asks, taking some plates out. "Yes, please." I state, and I take a seat at the dining table. "I prepared your favorite salad!" Daniel says as he places the plate in front of me. I smile. "Thank you Daniel, you're the best!" I place a kiss on his cheek. He places his plate across from me and takes a seat. "So, how was your nap?" He asks while he eats some of his salad. "Relaxing!" "That's good. You needed a day to rest." He smiles. "Oh, by the way, I made plans for the both of us with Connor, Troye, Tyler, and Korey on Saturday.". "Ohhhh nice! Where'd you see them?" I ask. I haven't talked to neither of them in a while. In fact, I haven't talked to them since graduation! "I saw them in the mall when I went shopping earlier today." Daniel stated. "Oohhh that's pretty cool! Did they ask where I was?" I giggle. "Of course they did" Daniel laughed, and we continued to talk and eat our dinner.
We finish dinner and we snuggle up on the couch. "Alright, your choice tonight. What do you want to watch?" Daniel asks me as we lay on the couch. "RuPaul's Drag Race!" I say. That's one of my favorite shows out there. "Alright! I was going to say the same thing." He says and I giggle. "Were not." He gives me a surprised look and I laugh. "Were too!"
After watching a couple of episodes, we decide it's finally time to head to bed. "Alright, I'm going to change into PJs and get into bed." Daniel says tiredly as he gets up off the couch. "Okay, I'll meet you there babe." I say, giving him a kiss. He smiles and walks to the stairs. I wait a couple minutes to make sure he's gone, and I grab two glasses. I fill both of them up with water. I accidentally knock over a pan Danny was using earlier, and Wolf jolts up and starts barking. "Wolf! SH!!" I quietly yell. He shuts up, tail still wagging, and runs over to me. "We don't want to wake daddy up now do we." I tell the pup as I smile. I carefully carry the two glasses of water up the stairs. I open the door to find Daniel already fast asleep. He must've been really tired. I smile as he tosses and turns while letting out little snores. He's so damn cute. I walk over to where he is and I kiss him on the cheek. "I'm sorry." I say as I try not to laugh. He opens his eyes a little and smiles. "Sorry for wh-" before he can finish, I throw the water on him and he screams. "JOSEPH!" he screams. he starts to get out of bed and I make a run for it downstairs. I hear him quickly run down the stairs, and I hide in the guest room, trying so hard not to laugh. "You can't hide forever Joey!" He says and I laugh. Quickly, realizing I basically gave myself away by laughing loud, I cover my mouth. I still have one glass of water left I could splash I'm with to escape. I suddenly hear the door open, and I quickly run to the other side of the bed. "Oh looky here, another glass of water! Thanks! I now have two I can beat your ass with!" He laughs. Shit I forgot the glass on the dresser! "I'm screwed." I whispered to myself. "What was that Joseph?" Daniel said, pouncing onto the bed and looking at me. I screamed. "Damnit!" I scream and I giggle. "You're cornered now big boy!" He laughs. I close my eyes, preparing to be soaked, but instead I get a kiss. I open my eyes and smile. "Aw that was sw-" I was interrupted with a splash of water. "I knew it!" I laugh and before I could get up, he splashes me again. I squeal and I stand up. "Danny, I'm all soaking wet and it feels icky, can I have a hug?" I fake whimp. "Oh no nice try mister!" He says as he starts running. "But Dannyy!!!" I say, chasing him around the house. I run out of the guest room and I see Daniel trip and fall onto the couch. He screams as he struggles to get up and I sprint to him before he can. I jump on him and I give him a biggg hug. "Yuck!" He yells and I laugh. "I love you!"

Opposites Attract {Janiel}
Fanfiction"what did you think when you first saw me?" "i was in love"