~Daniels POV~I left Joey's house after dropping him off. I really wish this wedding I had to go to wasn't this weekend, because I want to be there and next to Joey all the time now. I don't want anything else to happen to this little angel. I pray nothing will happen and that he'll keep updated with me.
I pull into my driveway and I hop out of the car. I close the door and walk in. "Hey Daniel, you're home!" My mom greets me and I give her a hug. "So, how was the dance?" I widen my eyes in shock. "How did you know about that." I ask and she laughs. "Oh come on! You were dressed in fancy clothing, and you obviously have heart eye for that boy!" I smile. "Isn't he handsome." I smile.
We chat a little longer and I begin to head upstairs when someone knocks on the door. "I'll get it." I yell. I open to find Chase, my ex-boyfriend, standing at the door. What the hell does he want? "Um, can I help you?" I ask, confused. "Daniel, I know things have been super rough between us, but please, I just need a moment to talk to you." He says. "Oh....um ok...come on in." I say and I lead him into my room, and I close the door. "So, what could you possibly want." I mumble. "Well...... I just mainly wanted to see you again." I bounce up in anger. "Leave, now" I point to the door. "Daniel, wait! I miss you, Daniel. I've bee depressed without you. I've seen therapists, I've seen special doctors to get over this heartbreak, ever since you've dumped me." "Well, that's your problem!" I say. He gets up and walks towards me. I step back against the wall. "Daniel, just please hear me out." He says. Before I could say anything, he pushes me tighter against the wall and forces his lips upon mine. What the hell was he doing? I try to force him off, but he keeps pushing me back against the wall, kissing me.
Suddenly, I hear a familiar voice, a voice that I really hope isn't who I think it is. "Ehem." Says the familiar. Chase jumps off me in surprised, and there I find an angry Joey. "Joey I can-" "No need too." He says in an angry voice. "Joey it's not what it looks like!" I tell him , trying not to cry. "What in the shit kind of 'family buisness' is this!?" He screams at me. "Joey he kissed me! I tried to pull-" "Yeah mhm!" He yells right back at me and before he walks out and slams the door, he yells "Family business my ass!" "Joey!! Wait!!! I yell out my door. I turn around and yell at Chase. "You asshole!" He just sits there and smiles. "So I'm hearing you're single." "Get the hell out of my house!" I growl at him. "Joey!!!!" I yell out my window as he runs away.

Opposites Attract {Janiel}
Fanfiction"what did you think when you first saw me?" "i was in love"