Plans and Shopping (Part 2)

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"So, who is your tailor anyways?" You asked Mettaton, who still had her hand on your arm.

"His name is Warren. A spider fellow much like Muffet. He can work a bit faster because of his multitude of arms and he's really good at it. I think you'll like him," she said, walking into Waterfall.

"You do realize I have magic, right? I could probably just teleport us there," you said. Mettaton stopped.

"Oh. Well, just try and take us to the resort if you're really sure about teleporting us there," Mettaton said.

You focused on the entrance to the resort and felt the warmth around your hand. You used your other hand to grab Mettaton's arm and in the matter of a second you felt warmer. You had arrived in Hotland, just in front of the MTT Resort.

"Metta? You okay?" You asked, putting your hand on your skull. You were a bit dizzy.

"Yes, darling. I'm fine," Mettaton said.

"Just a bit dizzy is all."

"Same here," you said.

Once the two of you had regained the ability to see the world without it spinning, you walked into the resort.

Mettaton led you to the end of the hallway into the employees only area.

It was another hallway, doors lining the walls on either side. These were most likely the rooms for the employees. Mettaton kept walking down the hall until she came across room labeled "E 17".

"This way darling," Mettaton said, opening the door. The door had a small navy blue decal on it in the shape of a spider.

"Hello Warren!" Mettaton said. There was no sign of anyone in the room until you heard a male voice.

"Greetings, Mettaton!" He said. The voice came from above you. You looked up to see a web of..well, webs. A light cyan colored spider man hung upside down, all five of his navy blue eyes looking at you and Mettaton. His somewhat long cut black hair hung down and he was using his bottom two arms and legs to hold on to a thin strand of web. His black t-shirt and boot cut blue jeans fell downwards, pulled by the gravity that the man seemed to defy. He flipped himself around and descended.

"What can I help ya with?" He said. He had a slight Spanish accent to his voice.

"Well, you may have gotten word of a particular double engagement here recently, right?" Mettaton said.

"Oh yes! Congratulations you two! I suppose you need dresses, am I correct?" He asked.

"Precisely why we're here this morning, Warren! Do you mind?" She asked. Warren smiled, small fangs showing on either side of his mouth.

"Not at all. Who should I start off with?" He asked, going to grab the tape and notepad.

"(Y/n)?" Mettaton suggested. You walked over to Warren, who smiled warmly at you.

"I like that name. (Y/n). Gotta nice ring to it, eh? Well, I won't keep you waiting too long, miss. Now, if you could just stand on that platform over there and I can get you started. Metta, would you like for me to call in Naomi to fit shoes or are you planning on buying them?" He said, looking over to Mettaton.

"Yes please. I nearly forgot about that. While I get fitted for shoes, (y/n) could get measured for the dress," she said, smiling. Warren nodded and tapped on the side of his head, mostly likely on a headset.

"Hey, uh, Naomi? We need you in room E 17. We got a couple people needed to be fitted for wedding shoes," he said, using the tape to determine your waist line with his top set of hands and using his second to write out the measurements.

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