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The next day went by as you worked with Gaster on the Core. When you went home, you found Sans on the couch reading yet again.

"Sup, bonehead," you said. He jumped and you could faintly see a spark of blue in his left eye.

"(Y/n)! Geez how many times have I said not to seek up on me!" He scolded as you giggled.

"Come on! Can't I scare my hubby?"

"Wait a few weeks for that nickname," he said.

"Okay okay. Anyways, me and Mettaton are gonna go check up on our dress orders. I hope you and Paps got suits under control," you said. Mettaton honked the horn of her car which cause you to have the same reaction Sans had to your scare.

"Pfft!" He stifled a laugh.

"Shut up!" You said, running to hug him.

"See ya in a bit," you said.

"Okay," he said, returning to his book. You ran out to the hot pink car.

"Okay Metta, I'm done," you said, getting into the passenger's seat.

"Splendid! Now, off to Warren again!" She said, pulling out and getting onto the highway.

"You think he could be done?"

"Probably. He does have six arms and is able to work quickly. Naomi should have the shoes half complete by now," Mettaton said.

"Nice!" You said, looking out the window. After a while, you were back into the Hotland bridge.

"See anything you like, (y/n)?" Sans said.

"Just my soon to be husband and the rest of my family," you said.

Tears came to your eyes as you remembered the night he had proposed.

"Is something wrong darling?"

"O-oh! I'm fine! Don't worry about it, Metta," you said, forcing a smile.

"Alright. It'll be another moment before we get there," she said.

You looked back out the window and looked over the lava below.

"You know, that night Papyrus and Sans proposed. I...I didn't expect that. I'm not sure when or how they planned that, was sweet. Haha! I guess by the time we're married, we'll be sisters in law! Won't that be excellent darling!" Mettaton said. You smiled.

"Yea. That'd be awesome!" You said. Mettaton returned the smile.

You were quiet the rest of the way to the resort. Once there, you got out and went to the same room as before.

"Oh Warren! We're here to check up on the dresses!" Mettaton announced proudly as she stepped inside.

"Great! Just in time, too! I just need to sew one more thing before (y/n)'s is done! Yours is over there, Mettaton," Warren said, using his lower-most right arm to point to a mannequin in the corner. Mettaton gasped and rushed over to admire the dress.

"Oh my goodness! This is perfect! Thank you Warren!" Mettaton said. I smiled.

"Want me to bag it for ya Warren?" You asked, feeling your eye flicker, ready for his approval or disapproval.

"Sure! Go right on ahead, Mrs. Skeleton!" He said. You disregarded the comment and used your magic to place the dress safely in a bag, on a hanger, ready to go home. You smiled as Mettaton grabbed the bag.

"Thank you, darling," she said, smiling your way.

"No problem, Mettaton," you said.

"It's finished!" Warren exclaimed in a sort of sing-song voice. You turned to see your wedding gown. It was everything you could've wished for in a dress. You felt a tear in your socket as you looked at it. You stepped closer and examined it.

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