Wedding of Dreams

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Due to sheer lack of ability for filler chapters...HERE'S THE FINALE! THE WEDDING!!! WOO! Ready? I know I am XD too bad this story is ending... ;-; I'll miss it. This is one of my faves to write and seeing it end's just...sad y'know? Anyways, let's not make it feelsy! LETS GET ON WITH THE FINALE YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING SO PATIENTLY FOR!

You felt...tight in the dress. It seemed your friend didn't know skeletons have 'flesh' so to speak.

"Can't...breath (f/n)!" You gasped. She stopped and loosened the bonds of the dress.

"Oh my god I'm sorry! How can't you breath? You're...well...bones.." She said. You sighed and a (f/c) form circled you. You looked human again, but with (f/c) translucent skin.

"OH MY GOD YOU HAVE SKIN!" She screamed. You giggled, letting the skin glow fade.

"You didn't notice how my clothes just kinda...float?" You said, a smile on your face.

"!" She said.

"I figured...anyways. How do I look?" You said. (F/n) smiled, pride in her eyes.

"You look like a princess, (y/n)! Sans will love it!" She said. You blushed a little.

"Thanks for being here for me, (f/n). I couldn't imagine getting married without you here," you said.

"Don't mention it! I'm always here for you! If you need anything, you can call me!" She said. You smiled.

"The dress looks good on you, by the way," you said. The brides maid dresses for your wedding were light blue and knee length.

"Aw thank you! What about Mettaton? Who's her brides maids?" She asked. Toriel walked in with Catty and Bratty.

"Hello girls! We wanted to show you Metta! And (f/n) that dress is-" Toriel greeted, being cut off by Bratty.

"Totes cute! Like O.M.G! Catty are you seeing this!?" She said.

"Yas girl! This brides maid is so totally wicked adorbs!" Catty said, carefully examining (f/n). She was a little weirded out, but she stayed calm.

"I'm talking about the bride! You look amazing! Selfie?" Bratty said. You giggled and agreed, letting her snap a few photos, Catty and (f/n) joining in. You smiled as you heard foot steps.

The door opened to reveal Mettaton, hair fixed neatly and wedding dress beautifully modeled on her form.

"Hello darling!" Mettaton said.

"Hello Mettaton! You look great," you said. Mettaton smiled.

"Thank you! You do too," you blushed a little.

"Thanks Metta," you said.

"Well...I suppose everyone is ready?" She asked. A couple more of your friends walked in, dresses on, hair fixed, and makeup on.

" long until the ceremony?" One of them asked. She was your roommate in college and often accompanied you to the sorority parties when no one else did.

"Um...according to my schedule program we got about five minutes to kill..." Mettaton said.

"What to do with five minutes..." (F/n) said.

"Um...I don't know..." You said.

"Maybe...anyone wanna listen to a song? It may pass the time..." Another friend of yours said.

"Sure, why not," (f/n) said.

"Here we go," she said, getting the song pulled up.

It was the song "If I Die Young"...the song you wanted Sans to play at your funeral.

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