Stay Schemin'

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' Marshai ' P.O.V 

No words can describe how I feel right now. Im hurt confused and mad at the same time. When I find out who did this to me and my baby I'm killing them no hesitation. I should of never left the house. The baby would still be alive and I wouldnt be in this hospital. I do appreciate everyone being there for me. Tez has been with me 24/7 I know he's hurting too. He really wanted this baby , I just wanna be there for him but I'm in this hospital. 

"Goodmorning baby" Tez cherred walking into the room with my food. "Goodmorning boo" I smiled. He looked so handsome in his black and red outfit. He hugged me and kissed my forehead. He handed me my food and sat down next to me. He stared at me while I ate. "Stop" I giggled. "Stop what" he asked. "Nigga , stop staring at me while I eat weirdo". He laughed "Ight babe whatever". He took out a mc'chicken from the bag and ate it. After I was done I took a sip of my drink then kissed Tez on his cheek. I love that I have somebody who truley care about me. 

"What's that for ma" he asked throwing our trash away. "Just for being here and showing me that you actually care about me". "Of course , I love you Marshai and I mean it. Maybe us having a baby wasnt the right thing for us right now. Maybe in a few years we could have another". I nodded my head before resting my head on his chest. 

We snuggled up on the hospital bed in silence. I love these moments with him. 


I woke up in a dark room. I tried to move my hands but they was tied up. It smelled funny in here.Like a rotten smell. I heard voices , then they got louder and louder. Somebody came inside the room and then turned the light on. "matayo what the fuck is going on" I yelled pissed offed. ''Lower yo voice , you gone wake my daughter" he said calm. ''Fuck yo daughter , let me the fuck out" I yelled louder. He walked over to me and back hand slapped me. I tasted the blood in my mouth. "Now I aint gone ask you lil ass again. Where the fuck yo brother at". I aint answer him. What the fuck he want with my brother? They was just cool a while ago! He slapped me again. "Look Day I really dont wanna hurt you but you gotta tell me where he is or I'ma have to kill you" he told me. "I dont know where he is. He's been missing for a couple days now. I thought he was somehwere with you" I said honest. 

"Yeah like Im'a believe that. You and that nigga close ass fuck". 

"Look , I dont know" I said. 

He left the room turning the lights back off and closing the door back. 

I got to get the fuck outta here ! 

- Asia- P.O.V - 

I know Che'Onna had something to do with this. I mean who else woul stoop so low? I'm fucking her up , she killed my little cousin. That's fucked up. I'm tired of her ass , somebody needs to beat her ass and I'ma be the one to do it. 

I put my sweat pants on with a tshirt and my jordans. I braided my weave and grabbed my keys. This bitch gone pay. 

I walked down to her house and knocked on the door. 

Her mom answered the door. "Hello Asia , I havent seen you in come". 

I wasnt about to tell her that her daughters a thot and fucked everybody's mom and dad. That's just rude. 

"Che and I arent cool anymore , is she here" I looked in the background. I saw Aaliyah on the couch sleeping. 

"No she's at Matayo's house" her mom rolled her eyes. I laughed to myself. 

"Ight tell her when she come home I'm looking for her" I walked away. 

This bitch wouldnt be home when I wanted this bitch head! 


I heard her baby died . HA I could care less. I was hoping that bitch would die right along with her baby. Yaw could call me ignorant a punk or whatever I dont give a fuck. That bitch should'nt of tried me. I fear no bitch , so get that through yaw thick ass heads. 

I was on my way to my mom's to get Aaliyah. I saw Asia talking to my mom. What the fuck this bitch doing here? I told Matayo to take me around the back of the house. 

I got out and walked in. "Che why you come through the back?" my ma asked me. "Cause....why was Asia here? What she want?" I walked into the living room and sat next to Aaliyah. She was knocked out. I put her outfit on her and packed her stuff. 

"She said she was looking for you". The fuck !? 

"Oh okay. I'll call you when I get home" I kissed my mothers cheek before leaving. 

"What the fuck took you so long. You know I gotta be somewhere Damn!"Matayo yelled at me as I put Aaliyah in her car seat. 

"Matayo calm down. There's no need to yell" I said calmly. "Who the fuck you talking to" he asked me. I didnt say nothing. 

"Thats what the fuck I thought" he drove off. He dropede me off 2 blocks from the house. "Matayo do I really gotta walk from here" I complained. "Get the fuck out Che'Onna" he yelled. Aaliyah jumped. I sighed and got her out the car shutting his car door. He sped off down the street , I watched until his car was out of sight. 

I walked home , as soon as I got in I sat Aaliyah on the steps and cried. If I would of never had Aaliyah my life would be fine. This is all her fault. She started crying out of nowhere.Which pissed me off more. Matayo would be happy if Aaliyah was no longer in the picture. I went into the kitchen and grabbed her bottle and shoved it in her mouth. She sucked on the nipple for about 5 seconds then threw the bottle down. She started crying again. I checked her pamper and she was dry. The fuck she crying for. 

I called Matayo , to see if he could bring me something to eat. "I aint bringing you shit back. Why the fuck yo baby crying" he yelled at me. "I dont know" i said calm. 

"Shut her the fuck up". I moved into a different room. "Matayo please bring me something to eat. I'm starving" I cried. "Nah I'm cool" he hung up. I threw the phone down and went back into the living room. Aalyah was screaming her head off. "WHY WONT YOU JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP" I screamed at her. She cried even more. I picked her up and shook her. "PLEASE SHUT THE HELL UP. JUST SHUT UP". All of a sudden she stoped crying. She fell right a sleep. I took a na with her. 


When I woke up I felt so much better. I tried to wake Aaliyah up but she wouldnt budge. I put my ear to her chest. She wasnt breathing. 

"OH MY GOD WHAT DID I DO" I screamed. 


Let me know what yaw think . 

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Che is loosing her mind? 

Che killed Marshai and Tez's baby ? 

Matayo kidnapped Davona >? 

Sorry for mkistakes

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