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"Your not seeing the point. You cheated on me on our sons birthday , while I was in the house. I don't see how I'm being petty" I yelled at Cameron.

After all the times he had begged me to talk to him , I agreed to it. But he wasn't even listening.

He rubbed his temples "China I see your point. I had already said sorry what else you want me to say? I love you , you know that".

"You still love Che'Onna , so how could you love me" I laughed.

"China I do not love Che anymore" he sighed.

"Yes you do. Can you please tell the truth for once?" I walked over to the stove to check on my spaghetti .

"I don't love her anymore China. Do you see the way she act? She don't even take care of our daughter" he asked.

"Because she's your first love. Your always going to love her. I'm not trying I hear any of that Cam".

Jr came into the kitchen carrying my phone.

"Ma , Ma" he yelled handing me the phone. I took the phone out his hand and picked him up.

"Then what are you trying to hear ?" He sighed. He came behind me am wrapped his arms around me and Jr. "Y'all my family , I love y'all so much. I know I wasn't there in the beginning. But what matters is that I'm here now and I'm trying to become a better father to both my children. I only deal with Che now because she has my daughter. Other then that , I would of been cut her off".

I sighed. Part of me wants to believe everything that he's saying, but the other part of me knows he's lying.

Che'Onna will always be in his life an I don't like that. I wish he wouldn't even asked her out. But then baby Aaliyah wouldn't be born. That little girl is so precious. If I could I would adopt her. She deserves a better mother.

"Cam I want us to be together but I need some time to myself. I don't want to rush into things again". He took Jr out my hands.

"But we're a family. Me and you should be together" he frowned.

"Cameron I said I need some time to myself. We should take things slow".

"Why should we take things slow? You weren't taking things slow with Tommy" he shook his head. "Mommy being mean to daddy. Her don't love me" he pouted making Jr pout.

I rolled my eyes.

"We can never have a regular conversation because you always want to start something".

"Whatever , you know you love me" he blew a kiss to me . Cameron's phone went off and I grabbed Jr.

"Don't start with all that bullshit D , okay , we'll be there in like 10" he hung up the phone .

"Who was that?" I asked turning off my spaghetti . I've been craving this all week.

"My sister , she wants everybody to meet at her house" .

I put the food in the refrigerator and put Jr's shoes on. 


Tez Dackie & I went to Davonas grave.

"I can't believe she's really gone" I whispered . I rested my head on Tez shoulder. Dackie put flowers on her and her brothers grave .
"Aight get me outta here , I don't wanna be here anymore" Dackie said.
When we got in the car , Tez phone went off .

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