Ch!na's P.O.V

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"Mommy juice" my son Jr said. I named him after Cameron because I know for a fact that he is Cameron's child. Not only does he look just like him. He acts like him too and he's only 11 months.

"Ok Cameron mommy' s gone get you some more juice" I left he room and went downstairs to get him some juice. Things have been really hard raising Cameron on my own.

Big Cameron still don't believe that Cameron is his. I haven't talked to him since the last day of school. He yelled at me in front of everybody. He called me so many hurtful names and it hurt me. He keeps telling people ima hoe,I'm not a hoe. I only have 5 bodies. That's not a hoe right. And two of them bodies were me getting molested by family members. Don't wanna explain.

The one guy that I thought would never turn his back on me and be there for me did me dirty. I always lived Cam and still do.

He was my first love and he just abandoned me with his seed. I'm tired of raising our son on my own. I work two jobs both part time. My ma watches him while I do so. My ma only watches him so I'll pay her si she could by her some weed and my dad some beer. My parents were never good parents. I only lived with them through my teen years. I was taken off if them when I was one because my mom tried to sell me to a man for a fix. My ma used to be on drugs real bad. Now she only smokes weed I believe! Mg dad couldn't take me because she was a terrible drunk and still is.

So my aunt and grandma took me in. They were my mother figures and I loved living with them. My aunt got married and moved away and my gram died a year ago. So im stuck in this hell whole until I turn eight teen. I swear ima get my own house and car and take care of my son.

He is really all I have and believe that he is the only one who loves me.

I walked back upstairs and gave Jr his juice. he smiled and drank his juice and watched spongebob. He loves watching this carttoon. He sat on my lap and played with my hands. He tends to do this when he's sleepy.

An hour later he was knocked out. I layed him down next to me on my bed. He didn't have his own room. My mom had a 2 bedroom apartment. I promised my self my son won't ever have the child hood I had. I want both of his parents in his life.

That's why after work tomorrow I'm going to see Cameron. I heard he has a baby on the way or had one or something. And that he actually takes care if it.

When I heard that I cried because he was taking care of his child by another female and not mines. I just want him to accept my son. I don't care if he doesn't wanna be with me anymore I'm not in live with him anymore. I just want my damn son to know and spend time with his father.

I took his sippy cup out his mouth and put it on my dresser. I heard the front door slam shut downstairs and my mom and dad yelling. I hate when they come home drunk!

They always waking up Jr.

Id have to stay up late with him while I knew I had work in the morning.

"Why don't you live me anymore" my father yelled.

"I do love yo dumb ass" my mother yelled back.

"If you loved me you'd buy me beer and keep me happy you dumb whore" he yelled back.

I rolled my eyes and shut my door locking it. Sometimes theyd come into my room and throw my things around.

I turned the light off and put the covers over me and my son.

I went to sleep with a smile on my face excited about what's gonna happen tomorrow.

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