No More DRAMA ?

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Why this dude think he going to get away with taking my daughter? I dont play about my family , EVER!

I had left Che's crazy ass and went over to Tez and Marshai's. I would go I've China's but she still upset with me about the party. I keep telling er that it was a mistake and that I love her. But she aint trying to here that. After pacing back and forth for about 10 minutes I sat down.

I had no clue where the spot is or could be. I waited til Tez came downstairs then started planning out what to do.

"You do know that Matayo is gone right" he told me rolling a blunt.

"Gone like how " I asked.

"He dead, I put six bullets in his body" he explained. I sighed in relief. No more chasing him or wat watching my back 24/7 well for a while. But I still had a couple things on my plate. This nigga Calvin got my daughter and my bro Dackie.

"I have no clue where the place could be at'' I shook my head.

My phone vibrated on the table. I reached over to get it. It read China (♡). I answered thinking I was gong to hear her voice.

"You figure out where im at" I heard Calvin laugh. I was boiling inside.

"Let me guess you got China and my son too huh? You really think I'm gone let you get away with this" I laughed. Clown niggas really entertain me.

"Ha we got jokes today huh homeboy? Well if you aint scared then come see me then" he threatened. 

"I dont know where the fuck you are" I yelled.

"At Marko's favorite place to be'' he said then ended the call.

"What he say" Tez asked.

"He said Marko's favorite place to be" I told him.

Tez looked all types of confused.

"Turtle Creek my nigga" I said.


"Call Darnell and them" I told him.

We all pulled up a few blocks away. Making sure we had everything and everybody we started to walk to the creek. All of us used to come here during spring break when we were little. We had alot of good memories here. Walking into the cave like thing I saw lil Cam and Aaliyah sleeping on a couch. My barbie dont deserve nun of this. Thats why after I graduate im moving all of us to Texas. Just a fresh new start for all of us. 

I pulled out my gun searching the other rooms. The first room was empty and filled with blood. I hope it aint Dackie or Chinas. Walking down the hallway I found another room. Dackie was in there tied up to a chair. I ran over to him , and untied him. Tez and them burst through the door with Calvin. They threw  him on the floor and I stood up with Dackie. 

I walked over to Calvin kicking him in the balls. He tumbled over holding himself.

"Go find China" I told one of them.

"There's no point she's gone" Calvin laughed. I stomped on his face. I went down the hallways searching through the rooms. China was no where to be found. I walked outside to see her in the water. I hurried over to her , pulling her from the water. I dont know how long she was in here but she wasnt breathing. I screamed for the boys to come help me. A few seconds later they came outside helping put her on the ground.

China was sleeping peacefully in the hospital bed. She was in a coma , the doctors said that she would wake up soon. She had water clogged in her lungs , but she was okay. Thank god cause I dont know what I would do with out her. 

After visiting hours were over I headed home. I had Aaliyah and lil Cam with me for the night. I want to get fully custody of Aaliyah. I jist feel like Che dont need to be a mother or its just not her time. I am going to talk to my mama about it soon. Hopefully everything goes well. Matayo and Calvin gone. We dont have anymore enemies so everything should be cool.

Aaliyah was sleep and lil Cam was playing with his toys.  I smiled down at my beautiful creations. I love them with everything in me. I feel bad for Aaliyah

having to deal with a crazy mother. Shes so young and her mother dont know what to do. I mean Che is young to but still. I did have feelings for her but that was a long time ago. I love China and I want to be with her. I dont know why I did her dirty before she had my son. I guess I was just being young and dumb. I didn't realise what I had right in front of me.

"Daddy , im hungry" Lil Cam complained. I picked him up and walked into the kitchen. I sat him in his high chair whip I prepared something for him. I havent been shopping , I usually leave all that to China. Damn I really miss her and I hope she gets better.

I heard Aaliyah in the living room crying. I ran in there and picked her up. "Its okay princess , stop crying" I rubbed her back bring in her into the kitchen. I sat her down in Cameron's old walker. She started playing with the toys on there. I cant believe she is 8 months already.  I made the kids plates before making my own. I was going to help Aaliyah eat but she wouldn't let me. With her stubborn ass , well she gets it from me.

I ate my food then put my lil ones in the bath. They fell right alseep when I dressed them for bed. I was tired too so I joined them. 

Im glad that all the drama is over.

Matayo and Calvin finally gone . Do you think all the drama is really over?  Comment below ?

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