Gun Shots Fired !

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3rd update this week :) so feel proud !


       ( One Week Later ) 

"You can choose between vanilla pudding , or blueberry jello" my nurse Patricia explained to me.

"Uhh ill take the vanilla pudding please" I told her. 

"Okay ill be right back" she left the room. I hated being in this damn hospital.  I can not wait to go home which is in a couple hours. They said I had went into a coma for about a week. It doesnt even seem that long. All I remember is that me and Jr were kidnapped.  OMG MY BABY ! WHERES MY BABY!?

I got out of bed and went over to my clothes slipping them on. I pulled on my shoes heading out the door.

Cameron was standing there with Jr and Aaliyah in his hands.

"Can you help" he asked. I smiled and grabbed Jr from his arms. I wonder what made Che let Cameron keep Aaliyah? I ignored it and cuddled my baby. He was knocked out , mouth open opened and all. 

"How you feeling" Cameron asked me. "Fine I guess" I layed Jr down on the bed. He rolled over onto his stomach. Cameron layed Aaliyah down next to my baby. "So how long is this break going to be" Cameron asked sitting in one of the chairs. I sighed long and hard. How long is this boy going to keep asking me this? "Cameron I dont know". He looked down. "Well I'm just happy that your okay , and I want you to know that I love you alot" he grabbed  Aaliyaha and left the room. I sighed before sitting down next to Jr. I turned on the tv. 

"Your in luck Ms.China cause this was the last one" Paricia walked in. Whose this cute little fella' she asked referring to Jr. "This is my son". "Oh he's so handsome" she cooed. "Thank you". 

She left the room and I began to eat my food. 


Tez'Mir said he had a suprise for me later on. I wonder what it is. This whole week he has been home and showing me the attention I need. I mean dont get me wrong I am happy about it but I have a feeling its only a matter of time before he starts disappearing again.

"Marshai be ready by 8:30 okay. I got to meet Cameron real quick" he kissed my nose before running out the house. I went upstairs to get in the shower. I put on a black and gold shimmery shear shirt with black skinny jeans and gold pumps.  Spraying a little body spray on my body , and applying lip gloss to my lips I only had to do my hair. Which was much , just flat iron my ends again and spray it with oil sheen I was set.

I walked downstairs sitting down on the arm of the couch waiting for Mir. It was now 9:15.

He texts me saying he was on his way. I went into the bathroom brushing my teeth. Then using some mouth wash.

I heard Mir beep the horn. I walked downstairs grabbing my phone and house keys. I got inside the car , Mir was just staring at me. "What'' I asked confused.

"Nothing just all that thickness'' he licked his lips. I laughed before kissing him. Mir can be so goofy at times.

He pulled off and we began our journey. "So , Shai how was your day" he asked turning down the heat.  I looked at him funny. He never asks me how was my day? Well he hasn't in so long I just was caught off guard. "It was fine Mir" I laughed. "Whats so funny" he asked. "Nothing". "You know I love you and care about you alot". "Of course baby you know I feel the same". "Promise me you wont ever give up on me" he intertwined his fingers with mine. I smiled at him. "I promise" I kissed his cheek.

"Good cause I cant live with out you". He is saying all this sweet shit , but for what ? I ignored it enjoying his company. "Baby where are we go I though" I asked after about 15 minutes later. He shook his head smirking. "What'' I asked confused. "Babe you'll find out when we get there. Yaw females always do that". I rolled my eyes. "Shut up" I crossed my arms over my chest. 

"Awe quit acting like a big baby" he nudged my shoulder. I smiled then looked out the window so he couldn't see.

"Boy , just keep driving".

About half an hour later we were pulling up in front of a building. From the outside it looked like it was for rich people.  Mir helped me out the car and wd walked inside.

"Hello Mr.Andrews enjoy your time" A man welcomed us into the place. We walked down a long hallway that seemed like it would never end. We finally entered an dining area. There were 5 people playing violins and harps while the table was set up all nice. There were candles lit and the room was alittle dimmed. I was in awe. I hugged Mir and kissed his lips. "I love you baby , its beautiful". He smiled down at me. 

I love my baby ♥ 


I was laying down in the bed with my lil family watching tv. My daughter was sick and Anya were sleep. Anya and I have been trying tk work on our relationship. I do love her and she loves me she just be on that shit sometimes and it irks me. I kissed both of them before getting out of bed. I was suppose to go pick up Dackie from his house. His leg was broken so I decided to go check up on him. Anya woke up "Baby you leaving " she asked sitting up. "Yeah lay back down im just going to check up on Dackie" I told her putting on my pants. She sucked her teeth before laying back down. I dont have time for the attitude right now.

"Bro you sure , you aint hungry ill go get you some mcdonalds" I suggested to him. "You know what yeah im hung eyy ass he'll" he laughed.

We was sitting in McDonald's just chill in when this group of dudes walked in. They walked past us mugging extra hard. Like damn they must be gay. Dackie looked at me like 'What the hell". I shook my head and just ignored him. I dont have time for fighting right now. Plus Dackie is on crutches like I aint trying to get jumped.  Naw!

"Bro lets just go , I aint feeling this vibe" Dackie said grabbing up his food.

I did the same and gave him his crutches. When we walked outside it was cold ass hell. Wind all blowing and shit. "Damn this heavy ass wind" Dackie said hopping over to his side of the car. I opened  the door for him.

*Pop ! Pop ! Pop!* Gun shots were fired towards us.

I ducked under the car while Dackie ducked on the floor of the car. I pulled out my gun and shot back. More shots were fired , busting my windows.  They sped off in the car and we got in and did the same heading the opposite direction.

"You see who the hell it was" I asked. "Yeah bro it was Tommy and them" Dackie told me.  "Who the hell is Tommy" I asked.

"The dude from our math class , the one that is always picking on Lil will" he explained to me. Oh I remember that nigga. He got another thing coming if he think he gone just shoot at us.

Okay sooo I updated ..again this week! I am trying to get better at updating quicker for you guys. Also I need my readers back. I know I lost alot because nobody is commenting or voting that much. I have alot of silent readers. I aint complaining but I would like for them to start coming back. Anyway who liked the chapter? Who really thought the drama was over. Where Turk been? Asia? Who is Tommy? China and Cam going through it?  Marshai and Mir? So cute. Comment below. Vote ? Thanks ♥ Also update coming soon. Sorry for mistakes if any :)

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