Happy Birthday Cameron Jr.

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I cant believe today is finally here already. My baby boy is turning one years old and I'm so excited. He is really is growing up so fast.  I am so proud to say I'm his mother."Cameron , wake up" I tapped Cameron. He had slober dripping down his cheek , ewwe. I shook him a little until he turned own his stomach. Fine he wont get any breakfast. I got out of bed and went into Jr's room to see him up watching Caliu. I saw down next to him. He looked up and crawled on top of me. "Mama" he yawned , wiping his little eyes. "You know what today is Jr" I asked him. "Birds day party" he asked. I chuckle " No baby its Birthday" I corrected him. "Mama , hungry" he wined tugging on my sweatshirt. "Okay lets go make something to eat" I picked him up and took him into the kitchen. I sat him in his highchair while I began making breakfast. I made pancakes , eggs sausage , biscuits and home fries. Once I was done I gave Jr his plate then cleaned up my mess, I made Cam a plate then sat down and ate my food. My phone started ringing , and it was Marshai. I answered and put her on speaker. "Where's little man" she asked. "Hello to you too shai but he's right here. Your on speaker" I laughed. "Happy birthday  to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Cameron , happy birthday to you" Marshai sang. Jr clapped and giggled. "What time is his party again". "Its at four" I took a bite out of my biscuit. "Okay me and Tez will be there". "Okay bye" I hung up. After lil Cam was done with his food I took his plate and put it in the dish water. I picked him up from his highchair and he darted into the living room. A few seconds later Big Cam came in the kitchen stretching his head. "China I'm hungry" he walked over to me and picked me up. "Cameron I'm not making you nothing to eat. I  already cooked , you should of woke up when i told you to" I smirked. He put me down and mugged me. I burst out laughing. "Cameron I'm kidding your food is in the microwave" I hugged him. He kissed my forehead. "Thanks babe" he said before getting his plate and digging in.

''Cameron come here" Cameron called out to our son. He ran into the kitchen and sat in Camerons lap. "Happy birthday lil man" Cameron highfived him. "Say thank you baby". "Thank you" he giggled. "Cameron you sure you got everything for the party" I asked. He looked at me like I was talking in Chinese. "Cameron you promised you would take care of everything" I whined. "China you act like its too late to buy things". I rolled my eyes. "Well you better get to shopping , cause his party starts in four hours" I told him. He grabbed my hand and said "Let's go". We pulled up on from of Party city. I got out and grabbed Cameron. He was playing a game on his little kindle Cameron brought him. It was so tiny and cute , perfect for him. I had called up the bakery to see if they could whip up something for Cameron. I know nothing is perfect but it was Cam's first  birthday party. The most important one. I was grateful they said they could make it and the cost was cheap. I know Cameron has money but I don't like things too 'flashy'.

"Ight I'll take him with me to the streamers and you go to the plates and everything else" Cameron took Jr from my arms. I nodded my head and went to the party section.  I grabbed some paper plates , napkins and cups. I had everything else I would need. I went into the aisle where they had candy. I grabbed a Hershey's chocolate bar , the cookie and cream flavored. 

I got a text from Darnell reading :

From Darnell : What size lil man wear?

I texted him back the size and he said okay. I double checked to make sure I had evedything. Once I did I went into the front if the store. Cameron was getting his things rang up. Good timing. "Mama" Cameron sang. He reached up for me and I picked him up and placed him on my hip. Once we paid for everything , we left the store. We were now headed to the bakery.

"Hi im here to pick up my order of the birthday cake" I told the person working there. "Okay what name is the order under" she asked looking over a list. "Um China William". "Okay hun ill be right back" she walked away into the back to get the cake. A few minutes later she came back with the cake. It was bigger than I thought , but the price wasnt bad at all. "Okay hun that will be 20.98". Cameron gave her the money.  "Thank you" I told her. "Thank you"  Jr said. "Your welcome cutie'' she told him. He giggled and waved. We left the store and headed to toys r us. I had gotten him alot of things but I guess Cameron wanted to get him more. Hey that isnt a problem with me!

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