Beginning of The Trip

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While sitting in the back of the car with Peeta and Annie and Finnick are in the front I couldn't help myself from thinking how famillier Peeta looks. I swear I've seen him before.

"Katniss?" Annie asks.

"Yes?" I ask back.

"Why are you stairing at Peeta?"

"I don't know." I say, "He looks famillier."

Annie just nods and goes back to looking out the window.

I pull out a picture book I have in my bag because I have nothing better to do and I start looking through some of my old pictures.

While looking at old photos from when I was 5 I see one that shocks me.

It's a picture from my first day of school and Annie and I have our arms around a little blonde boy.

I remember having him as a friend. He moved away when we were 9 to open a family buisness.

He moved to California though so hopefully he goes to my high school.

Oh how he looks like Peeta.

Wait a minute.. Peeta?

I turn to Peeta.

"Peeta?" I ask.

"Yes?" he says.

"Does this picture look famillier to you?" I ask and show him the picture.

He smirks and says,

"This was taken on my first day of sch-" He stops.

"Oh my gosh Peeta it is you!" I almost yell.

"What do you mean?" Finnick asks.

"Look at this picture, I knew I reconized Peeta." I say handing Finnick the picture.

He is still driving but is looking at the picture with intrest.

"Oh wow." Is all he says.

"Can I see?" Annie asks. 

Finnick gives her the picture and she studies it carefully.

"Oh Peeta it is you!" She yells.

Annie gives me the picture and I put it away.

We all talk about our lives and how we missed eachother.

Peeta told me about how he just came back from living with his aunt in Flordia because of a bakery fire and I wanted to cry so bad, it must have been awful for the bakery to catch on fire.

Peeta was asking about my family witch brought back great memories.

My dad was like Peeta's second father because Peeta would always come over and him and my dad loved eacother.

So because of that Peeta asked the question I have been dreading most.

"Katniss." He says. "How's your dad, I haven't seen him in a long time."

"He umm died when I was eleven..." I say with tears dripping down my cheeks.

"Oh my gosh Katniss I'm so sorry." Peeta says.

I look at Peeta and I can see him trying not to cry as well. They had a special bond.

After that I tell him about my mother's depression and me looking after Prim and becoming the mother.

"When I was eleven my dad died in a work incodent and after that my mom went into depression. She would not talk or eat unless I had to almost feed her. I became the mother for my family.

One night last year she decided to go out to a party and she braught back a man with her. His name is Plutarch Heavensbee and he is very ritch. Just a few months ago they got married and I moved here. Everything still feels out of place without dad." I say.

After that I break down and Peeta imbraces me in a hug. I feel so safe in his arms right now.

I start to drift off to sleep from all the crying though.

Who knew crying can make someone so tired?


I wake up and see that we are almost in LA.

"How long until we get to the hotel?" I ask Finnick.

"Just a few minutes." Finnick says

"Ok." I say.

Annie turns on the radio and some song I don't know is just ending.

The next song that comes on is 23 by Miley Cyrus. I love the song though.

I start sining without realsing I did.

"Katniss? Why are you singing?" Peeta asks.

Oh shit.. I was singing again.

"I was singing?" I yes.

"Yep." Finnick.

"Annie Was I?" I ask again.

Shes asleeep.

I bury my face in my hands frustrated. Peeta has never heard me sing and I didn't want him to.

"Katniss your amazing at singing." Peeta says.

"Whatever." I mumble.

"We're here!!' Finnick yells.

I focus my attention to outside and Las Angeles looks amazing. But it's night right now so I can't see anything really.

We rented a house for the trip and when we see it, it's huge! Oh why did Plutarch have to go all out..?

There is three floors, beautiful furnitutre, balconies, even glass floors in the halls.

We look around and I find a huge room on the third floor that I love. A giant window, king sized bed, huge tv, and even a couch and love seat.

Before anyone calls this room I yell,

"I call dibs!!" and throw my bag onto the bed.

The others have rooms like this but smaller. We are all on the third floor because most the rooms on the second floor are washrooms and things like that.

Annie, Peeta, Finnick, and I go downstairs into the kitchen and they eat dinner but I'm not hungry.

"Come on Katniss, eat something." Annie says.

"It's ok I'm not hungry." I say.

"Eat." Finnick says.

"No." I snap at him.

"I'm going to bed goodnight." I say.

I walk upstairs and have a refreshing shower.

When I am done I throw on some pyjamas and climb under the bed covers and finally fall asleep.

A/N: Second chapter! Hope you guys like my new story though.

I'll be updating soon :)

Don't forget to read my other fanfick Hunger Games High though.

Chapter 16 of that will be posted soon :).


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