Last Day Here

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Once we get to the beach the first thing I do is flop face first onto the sand. I hear the guys laughing and when I look at them Annie isin't with them. When I look to the side of me, there is Annie, laying in the sand, face first too.

"Great minds think alike." I say to Annie.

"Yep," she says popping the 'P'.

"Typical girls, Peet." Finnick says.

Peeta smirks then he and Finnick sit down on the sand. We lay out or towels and take off our outer clothes revealing our swimsuits. Annie is in a purple bikini and I am wearing an orange bikini top with yellow short shorts that are ment for surfing because I love to surf.

"I'm going in the water!!" Finnick yells.

"Have fun Fish Boy." I tell him.

"Lets go man..." Finn says and him and Peeta go into the water.

"Ready to tan?" Annie asks.

"You know it."

We lay down under the sun by a palm tree and I take off my sunglasses so I don't get those weird tan lines. I had them before and it was awful.

I close my eyes and start to feel drowsy.

All of a sudden I hear, "Katniss?"

I open my eyes and Peeta is there and Finn is getting Annie.

"We rented four surf boards because Finnick told me you surf and just incase we got Annie one. Does she surf?"

"Yes she does. Lets go!' I almost yell.

We get out into the high waves and I feel so alive.

After hours of surfing we all agree that I am the best surfer here!

"Take that!" I yell looking up at the sky on my surf board.

I soon regret that because a huge wave pulls me under water into an under toe and I can't get out. I sturggle then give up. It's too late. I am going to die.. damn you under toe!!! (A/N: If you guys don't know what an under toe is it is a water current that pulls people under and most people drown).

Suddenly I feel strong arms lift me up out of the water. I get too scared and keep my eyes closed. Right when I get put on the sand I caugh and eventually spit out water. I open my eyes and look at the person.



"Oh Peeta! Thank you!!!" I say and hug him.

"Are you okay?" Finnick asks.

"I guess so. Thanks." I reply. "Can we go home. I think I am done with the beach."

"Yeah how about we get lunch and go to our next destonation?" Annie suggests.

We all agree and go back to the house. I put on a blue crop top, jean shorts, and converse.

I go downstairs and wait. Soon the others come downstairs.

"Should we get our stuff?" I ask.

"Yes we should." Finnick says trying to be smart.

"Stop trying to be smart Finn..." Annie says and kisses him.

"Yuck!" I yell.

"Searusly Katniss. It's not like you haven't kissed anyone." Finnick says.

"I haven't," I say.

I am not lying when I say this. I haven't had a boyfriend and no one has kissed me. I am the only one in my grade at school who never dated or kissed anyone..

"Oh really..?" Finnick says evily.

He pushes Peeta into me and he kisses me.

When Peeta kisses me I feel like we are the only people on earth. Thank you Finnick! I think to myself. All butterflies in my stumach swarmed and I feel so much more in love.

Peeta pulls away and smiles.

"U-Uhh. Lets go," he stutters.

We get our suitcases and get in Finnick's truck.

We go to a fancy restarunt and order dinner.

Once dinner is done we get into the truck.

"Ok Finnick.. You need to tell us where we are going." Peeta says.

"New York!"


A/N: Hey guysss! I hope you liked the chapter!! I am starting a new hunger games fanfick called:

'falling for him (a hunger games story)'                                                                                       It is a modern day fanfick. And i don't know if there is a THG fanfick called that soo sorry..Updating this story soon!

-Maddie xx


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