Mericals Happen

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When Peeta got shot


Katniss goes to put the shopping bags in the car and me Finnick, and Annie are waiting in front of one of the stores.

A man in a street jacket comes up to us and Annie hides behind Finnick.

"Give me all your money or I shoot." He says.

"We don't have any money for you." I snap.

All of a sudden, he pulls out his gun. Annie buys her face into Finnick's arm and shakes.

"I warned you." The man says.

He aims at it at my stomach and shoots. I fall to the ground in pain and yell out. Annie yells a really high pitched scream and I see Katniss running over here.

"PEETA!!" she yells.

The next thing I see is darkness then I fall into unconsciousness.

I wake up in a bed but I can't open my eyes. I think I'm in a coma. I've heard that sometimes people in comas can still hear and feel but they can't move, speak, or open their eyes. It's like being trapped inside your own body.

I hear voices and I think it's Annie, Finnick and Katniss.

Oh Katniss. I wish I could be holding you in my arms right now instead of being stuck in my own body. I think to myself.

"So when is he going to wake up?" Finnick asks.

Oh. I must be in a hospital. . .

"It's not when he wakes up. It's if he wakes up." A doctor says.


"NO!" I hear Katniss yell.

"This can't be happening!" Annie cries.

I hear foot steps coming towards me and a small hand grab mine. It's Katniss.

"Please wake up. I need you!" she cries laying her head on our intertwined hands.

I wish I could answer but I can't. I'm trying my hardest to.

Her breaths calm and I'm pretty sure she is asleep.

I fall asleep too dreaming of when I will be able to hold Katniss in my arms again.


It has probably been almost a week here in this STUPID coma. I hate it!

I keep telling myself to wake up but it's not working.

The others never leave and I'm grateful for that. Katniss never lets go of my hand unless she has to go to the washroom. They have been begging me to wake up and it breaks my heart. I know it breaks Finnick's heart too. Annie is the love of his life and Katniss is his sister. Not biologically though.

I hear a door open and I'm guessing that it is the doctor.

"It's time." He says.

Oh shit. . . they are going to kill me.

"What do you mean?" Annie asks.

"It has been too long. There have been no signs of life so we are turning him off."

Come on! Wake up! You need to live! I yell in my head.

"NO!!" Katniss screams. "You can't kill him!!"

"I'm sorry. I will give you five minutes to say goodbye."

"Peeta wake up please!!" Katniss screams when the doctor leaves.

"Please wake up Peeta. We love you." Annie says.

Finnick goes last.

"Come on man." He says. "You can't just leave us. We need you here. . ."

He is about to say more but the door opens and I hear a bunch of scrambling feet.

"I'm sorry." One of them says."

This is it. I will never get the chance to live. I will never get to live my life longer, I won't be able to marry Katniss and start a family with her. I won't even graduate or see home again. This is it. I am going to die at the age of sixteen because of that man who shot me. I'm so sorry Katniss. I love you.

"I love you!! Wake up!!" Katniss yells.

I guess she gets picked up by Finnick because she keeps yelling at him to put her down.

All of a sudden, a miracle happens.

I open my eyes!

The brightness is like a blinding light but my eyes adjust.

"I love you too." I say.

Finnick almost drops her and when her feet hit the ground she comes running over to my hospital bed and smashes her lips onto mine.

I kiss her back without hesitation and put my hands on her cheeks.

When we break away she starts crying.

"Oh Peeta." She cries, "Please don't ever leave me."

"I won't. I promise with all my heart." I say and hug her like my life depends on it. Witch it does because she is my life.

When she lets go, Annie and Finnick come running to us and pull us into a hug.

We let go and the head doctor speaks.

"Wow. That is the first time this has ever happened. Well Peeta. We all are really happy that you woke up. Also, you may leave tomorrow.

"Okay and thank you very much." I say.

He nods his head and leaves.

"I love you so much Katniss." I say.

"I love you too." She says and kisses me again.

"We'll go get you two some clothes for tomorrow from the hotel." Finnick says.

"Okay. We'll be here not that I can go anywhere." I say and Katniss laughs.

They walk out and I move over in my bed and Katniss lays down and puts her head on my chest.

"I feel much safer now that you are awake and fine." She says.

"Every day in that coma I was thinking about you and how I can't wait to hold you in my arms again." I say.

"Really?" she asks.

"Yeah." I say.

Katniss reaches up and kisses my check and lays back down.

She falls asleep and I smile to myself.

"I will never leave you Katniss. I will crawl to the ends of the earth for you. I will be there for you, protect you, and love you. Always." I whisper.

"I will always love you Peeta Mellark. I will also do all that for you and even more. You are the love of my life." She says.  

I smile and lay my head on the pillow and fall asleep. Peacefully.


A/N: Here you go!! 1034 words. Probably my longest chapter! I really hope you liked it!

Happy holidays everyone!!

Anyways. . .






And. . .


~Maddie 💖💕😄 

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