Torture and Lies

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Third person P.O.V

Later that day, Peeta searched for Katniss and Annie a long side with Finnick. They split up while searching not knowing that it would be a bad idea.
While Peeta was looking two mysterious figures appeared and tackled him. Finnick heard the screams and ran towards Peeta but once he got there, Peeta was already gone.
He was taken by Delly Cartwright and a mysterious male figure. He wasn't surprised though considering her obsession over him and also wasn't surprised that he'd managed to get raped by her. But when he wouldn't listen he would be sexually abused even though he didn't know it was possible for a man to get sexually abused.
Though Katniss had a much worse case.
Katniss was covered in cuts and bruises, she could even count her ribs easily. If she did anything that the capturer really didn't like, believe it or not, she would get slightly stabbed in the arm or leg with a small but very painful knife.
Annie tried to help but it didn't work, she was also starving and bruised but not as bad.
Currently though poor Katniss was actually getting raped. All she could feel was the pain between the hips that she wish she could never feel again, this was one of the moments where she wishes she is dead but she isn't yet knowing that she needs to stay alive for Peeta.


As my capturer is penetrating me all I keep thinking is that how much I want to die. The pain is too much for me to handle, yes I've imagined sex but not like this. This is clearly rape; and I hate it.
The only thought going through my mind is how Peeta is doing. Is he looking for me?
A sharp pain brings me out of my thoughts and into the nightmare I call life at the moment.
"Come on beautiful, I know you want this." The man says leaning over me.
"No." Is all I manage to get out since I haven't drank or ate nearly anything.
He starts feeling my scarred body and I just hate it. He touches one of my wounds and adds pressure to it and tears start to pour from pain.
I start to get dizzy and loose feeling everywhere and thankfully pass out. I couldn't do this.

I don't know where I am, these four days have been hell for me. I've been fed well and I'm in a furnished basement, yes that sounds nice but it's not. I'm really just Delly's sex toy I guess.
The door opens and I brace myself for what happens next but it's not what I thought. She brings down a girl who I can't really see.
She struggles but eventually concedes and gets thrown onto the wall. Delly comes up beside me and kneels down whispering into my ear.
"Soon baby." She says causing a shiver down my spine.
Once she leaves the room the girl slides over to me struggling in her shackles and I can finally see her. She looks just like Delly. What?!
"Let me explain before you say anything." She says.
"That is not Delly Cartwright, she is my twin, Amelia Cartwright but we call her Amy. She calls herself Delly because she thinks Amy is too goody- goody for her."
"So you're Delly?" I ask.
"Yes. Peeta and I know you because I am in your classes, if I don't act like her in the classes then she will beat me." She replies. "But anyways, no one knows of Amy Cartwright. She is Delly Cartwright. I go to her classes and act like her while she is usually fucking boys, girls even, in the washroom. She is the one you see in the hallways and anywhere else. I hide during those times."
It takes a few minutes to process this but I finally understand. Delly Cartwright is just a regular girl in fear and Amy Cartwright is a poser and a liar.

Hey guys! I know it might confuse some of you but basically, Amy Cartwright has been using her identical twin's name which is Delly. Delly has been going to all the classes acting like Amy would because she has to while Amy is elsewhere. And in between classes and anywhere else Amy is pretending to be named Delly acting like a bad person and a slut.

But I hope you guys like this weird chapter! 😊💕

~Maddie 💕🎯

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