Girl On Fire

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Annie. The first word that comes to mind all day every day. I love her so much and I want her to be my girlfriend. I know I only met her a few days ago but she is beautiful. When I saw her it was like love at first sight.

Her beautiful reddish brown hair and sea green eyes just like mine. When we kissed the other day at the beach I fell inlove all over again. I love her so much my heart aches every time I see her.

She doesn't know the effect she has on me.

"Hey." Annie says coming into the kitchen.

"Umm.. Hi.." I say nervously.

Now I'm glad Katniss and Peeta are asleep so I won't be as embarresed.

"Are you okay?" she asks me

"Yeah?" I say but it comes out more of a question.

"Finnick can we talk?


I am nervous now but I need to tell Annie how I feel. I have to.

"Umm Finnick, I wanted to ask you, uhh.. why did you kiss me the other day?"


"Well the truth is.. I really uhh.. well.. Ireallylikeyou."

"What? Speak clearly."

"I really like you."

"You do?" She asks in disbelife, "I like you too."

Oh thank god!! The weight of the world just got lifted off my shoulders. Now I just have to ask her one more thing.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course." Annie says.

I go up to her and hug her. Then I hear light footprints running upstairs.

Damnit Katniss! She was spying on us!

"I'll be back." I tell Annie.


When I woke up my stumach growled so I went downstairs but then heard talking.

Finnick and Annie were in the kitchen talking about their relationship.

"-out with me?" Finnick asked.

Aww how cute! I gushed. Damn.. What did Peeta do to me..? I thaught to myself.

"Of course I would." Annie said.

I peeked around the corner and saw them hugging, I knew they would date.

I ran upstairs and into my room but right when I got up the stairs I heard loud footsteps coming.

Shit. Finnick caught me..

I am now running into my room and hiding under the covers.

Damn! I forgot to lock the door!

But it's too late, Finnick opened my door and found me. Atleast he doesn't seem as mad...

"Katniss? Care to explain why you were spying?"

"I didn't mean to. I was only going downstairs because I was hungry." I say and as on cue my stumach growls.

"Fine, whatever.. But how much did you hear?" he asks.

"Just the asking out part. Now can I go get food?" I ask annouyed.

"Fine lets go sis."

Finnick and I are not actually brother and sister, we just conciter ourselves that.

When we get downstairs Peeta is at the table with Annie.

"What do you guys want?" I ask.

"Don't worry about it. I made breakfast." Peeta says.

"Thanks." we say in unison.

We sit down and eat a breakfast of pancakes, bacon, and hashbrowns.

The food is soo good! Another perfect thing about Peeta. I think to myself.

"Soo.. Today is the last day. What do you guys want to do?"  Annie asks after breakfast.

"Lets go to the beach!" I almost yell.

"Yesss!!" Finnick cheers.

"Oh just go get ready fish boy." Peeta says.

"Shutup dough boy." Finnick retorts.

Me and Annie can't help but laugh.

"Shutup Girl On Fire!" Finnick snaps.

It's so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. I drop the glass of juice that was in my hand and it shatters.

"Oh shit Katniss! I did't mean that I'm soo sorry!" Finnick says.

"I-it's o-okay." I stutter.

"What is going on?" Annie and Peeta ask.

Now I have to tell them.

"I have to tell you guys someting. Only Finnick knows because I didn't know you Peeta and I couldn't get a hold of you Annie so I forgot about it." I say.

"Okaay?" Annie says.

"It was two months after I moved to California. I was home alone while my mom and sister were gone out. There was a murderer on the loose at that time. All of a sudden my house caught on fire and I got trapped inside. My whole body was on fire and I almost died. If the ambulance and fire fighters got there five minutes later I would have been dead. 

The police told me that it was the murderer. He set my house on fire." I say. A sobbing Annie runs up to me and hugs me.

"Oh Katniss, I'm so sorry." she says.

"It's okay."

Next Peeta hugs me. I feel so safe in his arms and I don't want to leave them but I have to.

"But how come you have no burns?" Peeta asks.

"Lots of surgery. There was only one they couldn't fix though."

I pull my bangs out of my face and show them the long burn mark that is just below my hairline.

"I peice of burning wood fell on my head and knocked me out."

After a bit we get ready and go to the beach. It's the perfect day outside.

Beach, here we come.


A/N: Sorry for not updating in a while :(.

I hope you liked the chapter.

How was Halloween for you guys? If you do it.. :)

20 Days until Catching Fire!!! :D

Ugh, that's still a long time though :(

My bff got FREE tickets to Catching Fire on the 23rd from her orthadontist!!!

I am going on the 24th with my other friend. She is a fangirl too!!! yaay!

People in my class are calling it Hunger Games 2! It's called CATCHING FIRE morons!! Geese..

Are you going to see it??

~Maddie xx

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