You're all annoying. goodbye

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Important authors note at the end. Please read it!!



When I walk through the halls holding Katniss's hand it feels weird. Everyone is kind of surprised that I am back and that I am dating Katniss.

The girls give her envious stares and the guys have looks of jealousy written on their faces.

A bunch of girls walk up to Katniss and I and start talking to me. I don't bother listening to them and say,

"You're all annoying. Good bye."

They look taken back and Katniss snickers and kisses my cheek. 

"Want a sugar cube?" I hear someone say. Obviously Finnick.

"If you keep eating those all your teeth will rot and fall out." Katniss jokes.

"And that will be the day everyone will grieve." We all laugh.

"Where's Annie?" I ask.

"I'm here!" She yells running down the hall."

"How was class Ann?" I ask.

"Good. Miss. Effie is really weird."

We agree and laugh again.

"Well we all have a free. Do you guys want to go out for lunch?" Finnick asks.

"Yes! Let's go before the others find us." Katniss almost yells.


I offer to drive so we get into my car and go to the café.

On the way we put on some music and sing very badly with all the windows open.


Once we get there the boys get us some food and drinks.

Annie left to go to the washroom so I am alone. I put in some headphones and wait, listening to music.

That's when three people come up to me dressed in black.

I look around and everyone in the café looks knocked out.

"Oh my gosh." I panick.

Before I can say anything the masked person tries to put a cloth over my face.

"No stop!" I scream fighting the person.

I get hit in the face a few times and I feel blood dripping down the side of my face when the person pushes me into a table and I hit my head on the corner. 

But another one of them comes up from behind and puts a cloth around my face and my vision starts to slip away into unconsciousness.

Right before I do, Annie comes out of the washroom and they go after her too.

Then I seep into the dark.


Oh no! What is going to happen?

So I need your opinions....

I've been planning to write a story (yes a modern day THG) and I have a really good idea!!

But I wanted to know if you guys would read it.

And if you guys want to read it should I post it now or wait until I finish one of my stories I am currently working on? (Panem High and Falling for Him)

I really want to know what you guys think I should do!!


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