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Third person

Peeta managed to escape Amy bringing Delly along, thanks to Finnick. He snuck in at midnight with the help of Amy's partner, he was sick of helping her and felt like he owed Peeta for all he had caused. They went to the local police station to search Katniss and Annie's case soon after, no such luck. They were still missing.

He stayed up day and night thinking and searching. Peeta couldn't live without Katniss, he was his hope. But little did he know, he walked right by where Katniss was. It may have looked like a nice house on the outside, but it was a discusting hell hole on the inside. Of course it was, that would be the last place anyone would think to look.


I am a fucking idiot.

I was searching the room when I found my phone. MY PHONE. Annie looks up at me shocked that I have it, she comes near me watching what I do with it. I scroll through my contacts searching for Peeta's name. When I finally find it I press call anxiously. After four rings he answeres.

"Katniss, oh my gosh, I love you. Where are you?"

"Peeta," I whisper, "I can't talk long but find out how to track my phone to find us. I love you, tell Finnick Annie loves him too. Good bye." I hang up before he can answer.

Annie opens her mouth to say something but quickly stops herself and looks towards the stairs. Hes standing there, with a whip in hand. He walks down the stairs slowly with a menacing grin his face.

"Ahh, I see you have a phone with you, silly children, thinking I wouldn't find out."

He rips the phone out of my hand and throws it against the wall on the other side of the room. My phone shatters and he smiles picking me up then throwing me against the wall. My head hits first then my back and I fall to the ground withering in pain.

Annie tries to stand to help but he just smirks and punches her in the temple and falls unconcious. Oh Annie... He turns to me and pulls out the whip.

At first I thought my back was on fire but now I can't feel the whip beating against my back. I hear it though, barley. I must be dying.

I don't know if I'm imagining it but police men barge in with guns. The man stops and I know it's real. But before I can do anything I pass out. Finally.

It's bright, very bright. Everything is white and I don't know where I am. Am I dead?

"Katniss?" I hear

I look to my left and see an empty bed beside me. I turn my head and see blonde hair and blue eyes. Prim. Smiling I embrace her and feel tears dripping down my cheeks. I missed her so much. I avert my eyes and see who's here. Mom, Prim, Plutarch, Annie and Finnick. I'm guessing Annie is feeling better than me. But when I don't see Peeta more tears well up in my eyes.

"There's someone here who would like to see you." she says and steps to the side.

Peeta walks up to me with watery eyes and shaking. It's him, I finally get to see him. Before I can say anything his lips are on mine and I feel the sparks I missed. He tells me he loves me and I just nod to shocked to say anything. Instead I pull him towards me and deepen the kiss.

"How long was I out?" I croak once I pull away for air.

"Three weeks." Finnick tells me sadly. He was going to say more but the doctor walks in.

"Ah, Miss. Everdeen. It's good to see you awake. We have some things to discuss." he says and smiles at me.

I nod and he continues.

"You have been in a coma for three weeks, nothing serious. You're perfectly healthy now but there is one very important thing I have to tell you."

"What is it?" I ask scared.

"You had to get plastic surgery on your arms and face. As you know that was where most your serious wounds were, we tried healing them but after numerous attempts, nothing worked. Plastic surgery was the only option." he says.

I try to take it all in, plastic surgery? What if I don't look like myself anymore?
I start to panic and the doctor stops me.
"Don't worry Katniss," he says, "you don't look any different and you can go home tomorrow."
I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. I'm finally safe, home with Peeta. No more torture or starving. No more trying to fight for my life. No more.

Hello guys! Excuse the shitty chapter 😕😊
Anyways, to be honest I was actually thinking of killing Annie and Katniss (and Finnick and Peeta) but I decided against it.
Basically Annie would have died of blood loss and wounds, Katniss would die in the hospital because her heart would stop and they couldn't re-start it. And Finnick would die in a car accident on the way home from the funeral and Peeta would commit suicide.
I was going to do it but I changed my mind. 😂
But guys, there's maybe only a few more chapters before this story is done. Maybe like one or two. Omg. But if you notice that there are less chapters it's because I went through the story and deleted all my author note chapters.
Bye, I will be updating next week!
~Maddie ✌🏼️

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