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"Well. . . Peeta is. . ." the doctor tells us.

"He is what?!" Kat almost yells.

"He is in critical condition. Peeta Mellark is on life support." he says.

Once that sinks in, Katniss falls to the ground crying hystaricly. Annie goes over to her and I face the doctor.

"So when should he wake up?" I ask.

"It's not when; it's if ,he wakes up." he says.

. . . . .

We have been in the hospital for a week and no sign of life from Peeta.

The doctors said that Peeta is in a coma but he can hear everything. He just can't talk or move. It's like he's trapped inside his own body.

Annie went back to the hotel and checked out the night after and Katniss hasn't left. Peeta's side once. Only to use the washroom.

I bring her food and Annie keeps her calm.

Katniss sings to Peeta every day and begs for him to wake up but he doesn't. She doesn't let go of his hand ever and when she sleeps, she puts her head on their hands.

It's very painful for me to see. Katniss is my sister-not biological-but still. She is suffering.

Annie usually cries with Katniss causing me to cry too.

All of a sudden, the doctor comes in and says,

"It's time."

"What do you mean?" Annie asks.

"It has been too long. There have been no signs of life so we are turning him off.

"NO!!" Katniss screams. "You can't kill him!!"

"I'm sorry. I will give you five minutes to say goodbye.

"Peeta wake up please!!" she screams when the doctor leaves.

"Please wake up Peeta. We love you." Annie says.

Now it's my turn to beg.

"Come on man." I say. "You can't just leave us. We need you here. . ."

I can't finish because a bunch of doctors come in.

"I'm sorry." One says.

"I Love you!! Wake up!!" Katniss yells again.

I pick her up and carry her to the door and she keeps yelling at me to put her down.

We're about to leave when we hear someone.

"I love you too."



Soooooo what do you think? :) For once, I feel satisfied with the chapter!

Happy holidays everyone!

Because it's the holiday break I won't be updating 'cause I have family staying over for Christmas. Sorry!!

Anyways. . .






And. . .



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